Blood In The Stars

Free Blood In The Stars by Jennifer Shea

Book: Blood In The Stars by Jennifer Shea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Shea
He threw it out there as fact.
    She thought they’d walk to her condo, but Jason hailed a cab. Disappointment tore through her. Walking back gave them time to chat; a cab ride cut their evening short.
    Daria tried to look on the bright side of things as they piled in the taxi. After all, it was a Monday, and pretty late. They had an entire week ahead and he probably wanted to get home to unwind. It was already very nice of him to wait for her for so long and—
    “Have you eaten yet?” he asked, breaking through her thoughts. “Want to go somewhere after we drop off your stuff?”
    She looked at him in surprise. She had thought Jason called the cab because he wanted to get home earlier.
    “If it’s too late—”
    “No it’s fine,” she interjected before he could change his mind. Did she sound desperate? Hoping to save some face, she quickly flashed a smile. “You’ve rescued me twice now. The least I can do is take you out, right?”
    “I thought we agreed I was taking you out,” he teased, a twinkle in his eye. Then he reached across the cab and took her hand. “Saving you is thanks enough.”
    His eyes held hers and that steady gaze made her stomach flip. Though they sat swathed in darkness and separated across the back seat of the taxi, she knew he saw the blush staining her cheeks. How could he not when it felt like her face was on fire?
    “Are you always out saving damsels in distress?” she breathed.
    He squeezed her hand. “Not damsels, Daria. Just you. The only one I care to save is you.”
    “You can put them on the table.” Daria pointed toward the dining room. “I’ll just be a minute.”
    She threw her purse on the kitchen counter and disappeared down the hall. Jason placed the files on the table and looked around.
    A three-seater, tan leather sofa lined one wall. Two matching armchairs sat at each end around a coffee table. Jason moved to one of the armchairs.
    A jingle sounded from Daria’s purse and she ran out of her room. She snatched the bag from the counter and fished out her cell phone, staring at it for a brief second before releasing a groan.
    “What is it?” he asked, standing.
    “The Hellerman meeting is back on. The partner wants to see a copy of the files tonight. Ugh!” She bit her lip and hesitated. “I don’t think I can do dinner. I have another hour or two of work ahead.”
    Daria had always been a driven person. He admired that trait of hers. No matter the obstacle, she worked toward her dreams and goals. Despite everything happening around her, she never lost focus.
    “You have to eat, Daria,” he insisted, moving to stand next to her. “Your partner isn’t going to thank you when you faint from hunger tomorrow.”
    She wavered, obviously torn between the need for food and wanting to work through the evening. “I’ll call in delivery and you can start your work,” he assured her. “And we can hang out a bit while we eat so you can get a break.”
    “You’re sure?”
    He nodded. It didn’t matter what they did or where they were. He wanted to spend time with her, to watch over her. Staying in her condo made it easier for him to protect her. They didn’t need to speak, didn’t need to touch. After twenty-seven years, he knew all the superficial things about Daria—her likes and dislikes, her regular routines and habits.
    But the one thing he never knew, no matter how hard he tried, was how to reach the heart she kept hidden under lock and key.
    She looked relived. “That sounds great. But won’t you be bored?”
    Jason shook his head. “You have some magazines on the table. I’ll keep myself occupied and quiet so you can work.”
    Her eyes softened as she touched his arm. “You really are very sweet, Jason.”
    Then before he could enjoy the moment a bit longer, she turned away and attacked the files on the table. He sighed, wondering if Daria ever planned to slow down enough to listen to all the things he needed to tell her.
    He took his cell

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