Defining Love: Volume 3 (Defining Love #3)

Free Defining Love: Volume 3 (Defining Love #3) by Elizabeth Reyes Page B

Book: Defining Love: Volume 3 (Defining Love #3) by Elizabeth Reyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Reyes
almost annoying that she’d waited until this late to
reply. Of course, that didn’t keep me from responding. My heart was already
beating faster just from seeing her text. I responded with a simple yes, refraining to ask more, and waited. I could practically hear my own heartbeat
as I waited in the heavy silence of the room for her response and then she did.
I clicked on it anxiously.
    I frowned, wondering if I should just call her. Was that was she
was getting at? That she wanted to talk to me, but she wanted to make sure I
was alone? And why the hell hadn’t she responded to my other texts? I decided
not to call only because I didn’t know what was going on with her. Had Edi
given her the ultimatum she’d been so afraid of? Had she decided she couldn’t
go through with it after all and that’s why she’d thought it better to distance
herself from me?
    The thought hurt, but if it were the case, I planned to do what I
said I would. I’d respect her decision and continue to be professional with
her. If I called now, it might cause problems for her if Edi was with her. So I
responded with another simple yes .
    I could think of a million things I wanted to ask her—say to
her—but I had to get it together. Each second that passed without another
response from her felt like minutes. I prayed my phone would ring. What I’d
give to just hear her voice. It was a slight disappointment to see another text
from her and not a call until I read it.
    Did you really tell Mia you’re in love with me?
    My heart nearly stopped, and I stared at the text for a moment as
a myriad of questions came to mind all at once. Who told her? Bea? Or had Mia
actually come down here and confronted her while she’d been working? Was that
why Henrietta hadn’t responded to any of my texts? Is that why she’d called in
sick today? But most clamoring, why did she want to know?
    I figured I’d know soon enough and there’d be no point in lying
now. So I sent off my third single word text to her in a row but couldn’t sit
anymore. This time waiting for her response as I paced around my office was
absolute torment.
    “Is it true?”
    I flinched at the sound of her voice, jerking my head in the
direction of the doorway to my office where she stood. After I’d gone this long
without seeing her and then she showed up so unexpectedly, she was a glorious
sight to behold. Even in the lounging outfit or rather especially in the
lounging outfit similar to the one she wore when I got to spend time with her
in my hotel room. I’d kept replaying that evening’s conversation in my head all
these days I’d been away from her.
    “It is,” I said, staring at her, not sure what to expect, but my
gut told me she wouldn’t be here if she didn’t already believe it was true.
    My only dread was that she was here to discuss her resignation
after confirming this. To my relief, she smiled, leaning against the doorway,
so I leaned back, sitting on the edge of my desk, and also smiled, exhaling for
the moment. I still wasn’t sure what this meant.
    “And you’re sure it’s not an early midlife crisis?”
    “ What? ”
    I laughed as I felt the tiniest of tension releases, seeing the
playful smirk on her face. If she were making light of this, then my admitting
I was in love with her must not be such a bad thing.
    She smiled even bigger, tilting her head. “It’s what Mia and Bea
are hoping,” she explained. “Bea still thinks you’re just infatuated.”
    I had to roll my eyes. I should’ve known. “They can hope all they
want. My grown ass should know the difference between being in love and
infatuation.” I paused for a moment, unsure if I should say it, then thought
fuck it. I’d held it in long enough. If I was going to admit this, I wouldn’t
water it down. “Make no mistake about it, Henri. I’m absolutely and hopelessly in love with you.”
    There was a sudden shine in her eyes, and she chewed the corner
of her lip as she pushed

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