Purple and Black

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Authors: K.J. Parker
intelligence operations relating to the current insurgency, that the said Gorgias Bardanes is closely involved with the said insurgency, possibly at the highest level. General Lamachus annexes hereto duly notarised copies of witness statements taken from suspects questioned by him in which said witnesses state, without prompting or coercion, that the said Gorgias Bardanes is involved with the said insurgency. The said witnesses are in custody and can be forwarded to His Majesty at any time.
    General Lamachus makes no accusation against Governor Phormio, but begs to suggest to His Majesty that the said Governor Phormio should be questioned by His Majesty or his agents concerning his knowledge of and dealings with the said Gorgias Bardanes.
    General Lamachus begs to remind His Majesty that he loyally served His Majesty's late father, now restored to the Divine Element, for twenty years, and it is General Lamachus' dearest wish that he be permitted to serve His Majesty with the same loyalty, sincerity and total commitment for as long as His Majesty shall please to employ him in any capacity whatsoever. General Lamachus is aware that in making allegations that might potentially be interpreted as detrimental to the honour of Governor Phormio, he risks His Majesty's grave displeasure. Should such allegations prove to be unfounded. General Lamachus submits himself willingly and penitently to His Majesty's mercy, should His Majesty see fit to bestow it.
    Phormio, governor of Upper Tremissis, to His Divine Majesty Nicephorus V, brother of the invincible Sun, father of his people, defender of the faith, emperor of the Vesani, greetings.
    It is with great regret that Phormio begs to inform His Majesty of the death in combat of General Lamachus. The general died bravely and with honour in the act of leading his troops into battle, and the engagement was successful.
    He was a steelneck, and besides killing people his only interest in life was dirty books. That said, damn.
    They made a surprise attack on the wall. At least, that's what they thought they were doing. He was there waiting for them, again, and we made a real mess of them. They'd already broken and were about to run; Lamachus saw an opportunity to cut them off and led the charge in person. But something went wrong; he and his guards got there just a bit before the main force, he was surrounded and killed. Once our men realised the general was down, they more or less lost interest, and the bad guys got away. Even so, we killed sixty-two of them and caught another dozen. I don't know if they realise they got Lamachus; I think they probably do, and if they don't they soon will. How much of a setback this will prove to be, I don't know. Damn it, he was making real progress. He made fools of them twice; a few more times and I think they might lose their nerve. Well, it's up to me now.
    Listen to me. It's getting so I'm afraid to go out in the rain, in case my neck rusts.
    I don't know who you'll choose to replace him. I do believe we need a fighting general up here. But it's got to be someone we can control.
    His Divine Majesty Nicephorus V, brother of the invincible Sun, father of his people, defender of the faith, emperor of the Vesani, to Phormio, governor of Upper Tremissis, greetings.
    His Majesty acknowledges Phormio's report concerning the death of Lamachus.
    Enclosed herewith, please find a letter. I got it two days before your last report. You can keep it; I don't want it back.
    Phormio, what the hell are you playing at?
    Phormio to Nicepborus
    I have a confession to make.
    Yes, he was alive when I got there. I honestly thought he was dead. But no, he was sitting up in bed, bitching at the nurses. He was bored, his head hurt, the bedlinen was a disgrace, the food was rubbish. Hello Gorgias, I said.
    He told me what had happened; Thanassa, and afterwards. All more or less what you'd been told, except for one thing. He was on his way up here to join the insurgency,

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