The Client: Short And Steamy

Free The Client: Short And Steamy by M. S. Parker

Book: The Client: Short And Steamy by M. S. Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. S. Parker
but this was better. Taking my time to explore every inch of her, knowing that once we were done, neither one of us would run away. Knowing that I could lie in bed with her all day and all night.
    We had to talk at some point, work through some issues, but both of us wanted it, so I knew we'd be able to do it. For right now, however, my only focus was seeing how many times I could make her come.
    I'd already given her one orgasm with my fingers, and I fully intended to give her at least one more with my mouth before sliding inside her. My cock was hard and throbbing already, but I ignored my own needs for the moment. I was eager to taste her.
    She cried out the moment my tongue touched her, and I moved over her bare flesh slowly, teasing her, drawing out her pleasure until she was panting, writhing. I used my thumbs to hold her open as I dipped my tongue inside her, then slid it up to circle her swollen clit. She was so wet that she was dripping, and I moved my tongue over her, sometimes making long strokes with the flat of my tongue, sometimes tracing a path up and around her clit.
    The sound of my name on her lips made my balls tighten. I'd always loved hearing women scream my name, but there was something special about hearing it from her.
    “Come for me, Sara.” I flicked my tongue against her clit, then pressed...hard.
    Her fists thudded against the mattress, and she pushed her hips up against my mouth. I grabbed her hips, holding her in place as her climax rolled over her. I pushed her higher, further, until she was begging me to stop. Only then did I raise my head.
    I'd fully intended to go down on her until she came for a third time, but I needed her too badly.
    “Sara, can I...?” I let the question trail off as I raised myself over her.
    She nodded, her eyes meeting mine. Her pupils were blown wide, irises nearly black. “Now,” she rasped out, her voice rough.
    Her arms went around me, nails digging into my back as I slid home in one smooth stroke. Her body molded around mine, the perfect fit. Some of it was probably biology, but I knew there was more to it than that. We hadn't known each other long, but there was something between us, something that couldn't be explained by logic or biology. It was a sense of completion, a sense of home.
    I rocked against her, and she wrapped her legs around my waist. There were no hard thrusts, only slow, deep strokes, and when our eyes met, it was like I could feel everything she was feeling. The two of us moved together now like we did every time we sparred, more of a dance than anything else. My orgasm was building inside me, a slow sort of burn rather than the usual explosion.
    “So close,” she breathed, her nails digging into my back.
    I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I could feel her muscles quivering, feel her body taut with need. And then she was there, tipping over the edge, and I was falling too.
    But I wasn't scared this time, because I knew she'd catch me, that I'd catch her. Nothing was perfect, and love was rarely easy, but I had no doubt that the two of us could make it.
    I kept my body curled around hers as we came down and our breathing slowed. I brushed her hair away from her face and kissed her temple.
    “You know,” she said, breaking the silence. “It's a good thing you apologized.”
    “Oh really?” I asked, nuzzling her ear. “Why's that?”
    “Because I'm pretty sure your dad was going to try to adopt me.”
    I chuckled. “Yeah, he really does like you.” I pulled her closer. “But that's too bad. You're mine.”
    She sighed and closed her eyes. “Yes, I am. And you're mine.”
    Yes, I certainly was.
    The End
    Please turn the page to start reading A Legal Affair - Book 1 (Club Prive – Leslie’s Story).

A Legal Affair Book 1 (Club Prive - Leslie’s Story)

Chapter One

    E ying the clock , I tried not to think about everything I needed to do between now and the time I could leave.
    Maybe I didn’t punch

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