Rose Quartz

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Book: Rose Quartz by Sandra Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Cox
Tags: Romance
coffee,” she said to Hank. She strolled into the kitchen, the men behind her.
    Pouring another cup of steaming dark coffee, she handed it to Hank. “So why are you here, Jeffrey?”
    “To make sure you’re all right. I just heard about what happened last night. I thought you’d call, Bella.”
    “As you can see, I’m fine.” She sipped her coffee, watching him over the rim of her cup.
    Jeffrey’s expression narrowed to a thoughtful frown. His gaze swung back to Hank. “Your being here was quite fortuitous.”
    “You could say that,” Hank said, his colorful face expressionless.
    Jeffrey ran his hand down his perfectly creased gray trousers. “Bella’s never mentioned you before.”
    Hank looked at him from hooded eyes. “Is there any reason she should have?”
    It was a loaded question and everyone in the room knew it.
    “I like to think so.”
    Hank took a sip of coffee, sat it on the counter and rocked back on his heels. “Like don’t always make it so.”
    “How long are you staying, McHenry?” Jeffrey’s voice had an edge to it and a tic jumped at the corner of his mouth.
    “I haven’t decided yet. You got a problem with me being here?” He tucked his thumbs into the front pockets of his jeans, his poise casual, his eyes alert. He rested lightly on the balls of his feet.
    Jeffrey sat down his cup. “I may have.”
    Bella straightened. “I appreciate your thoughtfulness in checking on me, Jeffrey, but I think you’d better go.”
    He jerked his head back as if he’d been struck. “Do you know what you’re saying, Bella?”
    “We weren’t an item, sugar.”
    “Do you always go down on men you aren’t an item with?” he sneered, his face white.
    She saw Hank’s fist clench and stepped hastily between them. “He’s a lawyer,” she said conversationally to Hank. “No matter how great the provocation, never ever hit an attorney.”
    Hank’s jaw was set so tight she didn’t think he’d ever pry it open. He moved her aside.
    Jeffrey took one look at the fire in Hank’s eyes and opted for flight instead of a fight.
    Puss–Puss, not caring for the tension in the air, swung out with his paw and hooked his claws in Jeffrey’s high-dollar gray suit, ripping it as the attorney rushed past.
    Hank shook off Bella and caught up with the younger man in several long-legged strides. He spun Jeffrey around, grabbed him by his shirtfront, lifted him off his feet and planted him against the door. “Now you aren’t ever going to talk to a lady like that again, are you?” he asked in a voice soft with deadly intent.
    When Jeffrey didn’t answer right away Hank thumped him against the wall. “Are you?”
    Jeffrey shook his head.
    Hank’s grip tightened. “I believe you owe Ms. Tremaine an apology.” For good measure he thumped him against the wall again, causing a nearby picture to rattle against the drywall.
    “I’m sorry, Bella,” Jeffrey gasped out. “That was a filthy thing to say.”
    “That’s better.” With obvious reluctance, Hank released the attorney and opened the door.
    Jeffrey opened his mouth to say something. He looked at Hank’s set jaw, snapped it shut and hurried out.
    Hank took a deep breath and flexed his fingers.
    She walked up to him and touched his cheek. “My hero. Thank you for defending my honor.”
    He grabbed her hand and held it. “What did you see in that man milliner?”
    She laughed. “Now, Hank, you’ve got to admit he’s pretty to look at.”
    He rolled his eyes then glanced down at their clasped hands. He stared at them for a long moment then raised his head and looked into her eyes. Something elemental and as raw as lightning flashed between them.
    Her muscles loosened and her lips parted. She raised her face to his. He was going to kiss her and she was going to let him.
    His heated gaze swept over her features then he dropped her hands and took a step back. “Are you into casual relationships?”
    Her head jerked up. After Jeffrey’s comment

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