Through the Eye of Time

Free Through the Eye of Time by Trevor Hoyle

Book: Through the Eye of Time by Trevor Hoyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trevor Hoyle
He was about to blub again.
    â€˜Don’t cry, Lieblichkeit * , Theo is here to look after you.’
    I took his hand from my shoulder and clasped it in both of mine. We remained like this for a while, Hitler weeping softly, and at length I cradled him in my arms and rocked him to sleep. The stimulant had done its job of reviving his shattered metabolism and now the narcotic was lulling his senses into deep slumber. In this semi-waking, semi-dreaming state I had found him to be at his most receptive. In the past I had implanted the seeds of a number of ideas (the vitamin chocolate for one) which had borne fruit days, sometimes weeks, later. Now was the time.
    â€˜This has been a wonderful day, Adolf,’ I began, rocking him to and fro. ‘A great personal and political triumph. The world will have to listen; the combined might of Germany and Great Britain is invincible. Every nation on earth shall bow before it and pay homage.’
    â€˜Invincible,’ he murmured sleepily.
    â€˜You are a great man,’ I continued. ‘The greatest military strategist of all time. Nothing can stand in your way.’
    â€˜Nothing …’
    â€˜But I am concerned for you, Adolf. Some of your personal staff, those in whom you place implicit trust, are suspect in their devious motivations and insatiable ambitions. Certain members of Himmler’s staff, for instance. I do not accuse Heinrich himself but I fear he is being misled by certain officers in his command.’
    â€˜Mmmmzzz,’ Hitler mumbled, snuggling closer.
    â€˜You know it is not in my nature to harbour a grudge, Adolf, and I am loath to name names. But one SS Sturmbannführer Mueller is highly suspect, I might almost say treasonable. Certainly undesirable in a position of such potential power.’
    Sooner or later this would become manifest in orders of the day: a direct command that Himmler would have no choice but to carry out forthwith.
    He was now, or so I thought, fast asleep, but as I laid his head on the cushion he stirred and said drowsily, ‘Do not leave me, Theo. I am so alone in all the world. Nobody really cares for me. Nobody.’ There was a catch in his voice.
    â€˜What you need, little friend,’ I said softly, the idea popping into my head from out of nowhere, ‘is the tender loving sympathy of a woman. Someone to listen to your troubles and care for you as I am doing. Wouldn’t you like that, eh, wouldn’t you, Liebling?’
    â€˜That sounds very nice. My own sweet edelweiss to comfort me in the dark hours before dawn. Find me someone, Theo, Blonde. Blue eyes. Healthy. A quiet sensible girl …’
    His voice drifted away.
    â€˜I will find you someone.’ I smiled. ‘I have someone in mind already. You will like her, mein Führer. My little piece of horse manure.’
    He slurped his chops and started to snore.
    Berlin, September 1938
    Felix has sent me a sample of the vitamin chocolate and a report which pronounces it a great success. He has tried it out on the female workforce and apart from giving one or two of them diarrhoea it seems to be most effective. He even makes the claim that it might possibly possess the qualities of an aphrodisiac. Several of the workers, he reports, have been constantly in heat. (Not those suffering from diarrhoea, I hope! Ha-ha!)
    Paid my customary visit to see Eva and spent a pleasant evening listening to the gramophone. She is not yet too keen on my proposal and I went to considerable lengths to stress the benefits: money, travel, luxury accommodation, security, etc. However, when she wants to be, Eva can be a stubborn girl,practically pigheaded, and I had to resort to a little touch of emotional blackmail.
    There are two main obstacles to her agreeing, as I see the situation. First, the foolish tart professes to be in love with me (which naturally I can use to my advantage) and secondly – perhaps the major

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