Worthy of Me

Free Worthy of Me by Yajna Ramnath

Book: Worthy of Me by Yajna Ramnath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yajna Ramnath
me a stunning sea green and silver dress that showed off curves even I didn’t know I had. Everything was stored at her house since it was only Monday and she didn’t want Aiden finding out.
    The rest of the week leading up to Aiden’s birthday was all hush, hush. He knew something was happening but he played aloof. Saturday morning I knocked on his door, when I didn’t get an answer I turned the knob and crept into his room.
    Aiden’s room was neat. Large windows were on either side of his king-sized bed. On one side of his room was a desk set up with his laptop and papers. On the other side were shelves lined with CDs and frames. One frame caught my eye. I tip toed closer and let out a silent gasp. It was of the two of us. I was in my Kingston uniform, my hair tied up with a seductive smile on my face, my right hand on the bar counter and the other on my hip with my gaze on Aiden. Aiden who looked down at me with so much of affection it seemed surreal, the blonde in his hair shone under the lights, his dimple winked out and his right hand was reached for the one on my hip. Someone had snapped this when we were not looking. They captured a moment where both our guards were down, where all our feelings were shown.
    I glanced at the man on the bed. He was a vision. His head facing the wall, his arms flung on either side of him, his muscled body on show, every ripple expanded and contracted with his deep breathing, and finally the sheet that settled so low on his hips that I knew he was naked underneath.
    I quietly got onto the bed and was amazed that he didn’t stir. He was a heavy sleeper. Well, I hoped not, this would get really awkward if he was.
    I placed a light kiss on his forehead, his nose, his lips, his neck, his chest, his abs and finally to the spot just below his belly button. I felt him stir then, he mumbled something which sounded a lot like my name but I didn’t have any hopes of that. I slide the sheet off him and gasped.
    He was magnificent. I always heard girls talk about how gross they thought a guy’s dick looked but I wasn’t one of those people. I found them fascinating which sounds creepy but anyway. He was long and thick, I had big oh my God moment wondering how he was going to fit in me. From all the books I read, I hoped that he would find a way to put it in. I slid my hand around his length and started caressing him, up and down. I watched in amazement as he got bigger and harder.
    His breathing was ragged and he was moaning. He was still half in and out of sleep, I felt I needed to turn thing up a notch. I lowered my head and took him in my mouth. Mission accomplished, Aiden’s eyes snapped opened and he gasped as he watched his dick slide in and out of my mouth.
    “Mia! Fuck!” he gasped.
    I had a proud moment when I caught sight of his fists clenching the sheet. I relaxed my throat and breathed in through my nose, taking him deeper till he touched the back of my throat. His moans got louder and his breathing short and heavy. I loved a guy who wasn’t afraid to voice his pleasure. I felt the tightening of muscles and watched as the veins in his neck started to pop out and I knew he was close. A few seconds later she shouted his release and I quickly swallowed, pushing back my gag reflex. I crawled up the bed and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
    “Happy birthday, handsome,” I whispered and quickly got out of bed before he could make a grab for me.

    After making a huge breakfast for Aiden and making sure he got ready for his day out with his dad, I made my way over to the Kingston mansion since Aiden left his car behind. There were people rushing all over the place trying to set up, I almost didn’t recognise the family room with all the drapes and tables.
    “Wow, you’re really going all out,” I smiled at Mrs. Kingston.
    “He’s my only boy, and he needs a good party before he starts believing he’s too old for them,” Mrs. Kingston chuckled. “Now, you go on and get

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