Probe Predators

Free Probe Predators by Saxon Andrew

Book: Probe Predators by Saxon Andrew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saxon Andrew
I’ve just seen.”
    Trip tried his best not to laugh but he couldn’t stop himself. Andi just looked confused and Cole said, “No, honestly; I thought that was the ultimate fear to face until this.” Trip’s stress came out in his laughter and he found he could barely breathe. He fell to the floor when Andi said, “Barbara?”
    Cole shrugged “I guess you had to be there.” Dee walked in with Andrew and found Trip doubled over and the other two standing over him wondering what was so funny.
    “Is everything alright?”
    Trip fought to catch his breath and after several attempts he said, “We need to go talk with Marilyn.”
    Dee said, “About what?”
    Cole looked at her, “I think you’ll want to get the whole mess before you understand.”
    “Understand what?”
    Andrew came in and Trip said, “We’ll eat in the vault.”
    “Yes Sire.”
    Trip rolled his eyes and Dee had a small smile.
    • • •
    “Marilyn, what do you think about this?”
    “The Union is not prepared for this.”
    “Are you able to determine if our ships can measure up to this new species?’
    “No, not really; their force fields have not been challenged by the Families’ ships so there is no clear measure of what force it would take to penetrate them.”
    “How do you see this playing out?”
    “M87 is history. We would probably follow.”
    “Why do you say that?”
    “Our galaxy was mentioned in the probe’s broadcast. I suspect the new species will end up victorious and then check us out.”
    “They should have collected all they need to feed in M87.”
    “Are you willing to bet the Union on that?”
    Trip stared at the wall and then shook his head, “We need to start getting ready for their arrival after M87.”
    Dee shook her head and Trip looked at her, “What?”
    “Have you forgotten your history?”
    “I probably know it better than anyone in this room.”
    “You know it but you don’t quite
    “What are you talking about?”
    Dee lowered her gaze, “Why did the Union go to M87’s defense in the last Family’s invasion?”
    Trip looked at Dee and was amazed at how much she looked like the original Dee Montgomery. “Why don’t you tell us?”
    “Because you don’t want to wait and see if our technology works against this aggressor when they show up at our front door. If we can defeat them, we need to do it there when their planets are being destroyed instead of ours.”
    “Those scum were going to attack us.”
    “How does that change what I just said? They did attack us before the first invasion.”
    Marilyn said, “Dee, that does make the most logical sense.”
    Trip jerked his head around, “Dee?”
    Dee sighed, “That is what my family and friends call me.”
    “Then why did you say your name was Denise?”
    “It is my name. I said family and friends; are you in either of those categories?”
    Trip stared at her and then lowered his head, “I apologize. Please excuse me.” Trip stood and left the vault.
    Dee looked at Cole, “What’s wrong with him?”
    “He has always worshipped his ancestors, even though his behavior didn’t show any evidence of it. The one he loved the most was his Great, Great, however many Greats are called for here, Grandmother Dee. I’ve caught him staring at portraits of her but he would never tell me what he was thinking. I think you look so much like her that you cut him to his soul. You reminded him that he has not lived up to the responsibility of upholding their reputations. I think you shamed him.”
    “I didn’t mean to…”
    Cole shook his head, “It’s not your fault; it’s what’s inside him that made it hurt. I suspect he needs some time to come to terms with what he’s done with his life so far.”
    Andi said, “How do you know this?”
    Cole turned to Andi, “Why do you think I have stuck by his side through all the silliness over the years? He’s been slowly dying in a Union that has no place for a real warrior. His soul has

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