The Eaorl (The Casere Book 2)

Free The Eaorl (The Casere Book 2) by Michael O'Neill

Book: The Eaorl (The Casere Book 2) by Michael O'Neill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael O'Neill
bodies. If we lose blood we die. If we are given someone’s blood directly into a vein we can live. The problem is that there are four different types of blood – if I give you mine, you will live but your mother’s might kill you. Which is the right blood is the hardest thing to determine. The Aebeling will live because my type of blood is suitable for everyone.’ He returned to stand in front of the Gatinan nobles assembled. ‘Who is the Aebeling’s medic?’
    A middle aged, overweight man stepped forward. He stated proudly that he was the private medic to the Aebeling and the Healdend.
    ‘I don’t know what you are so proud of – your lack of skills almost cost your Aebeling his life. I want you to go with one of my medic teams and work on the wounded.’ The Medic was protesting strongly until an arrow from Derryth hit the dirt between his legs. He went white.
    ‘We seem to have a communication problem – if you don’t follow my orders you join the dead. I have no time to negotiate. I expect you to work on your wounded until there is no one left untreated. Is that clear?’ He nodded, still shaking with fear. ‘Good, now go.’ He scampered off to the waiting medic team and they went in search of wounded.
    Conn continued. ‘Gatinans, you have suffered a defeat of true significance. Your names will be vilified for generations. Today is not a time for recriminations; today your men need you. It is not their fault that they have been dragged into this war. I need your help to ensure that, by the end of today, all your men are disarmed and are either back in their camps with food or in the hospital tents getting attention for their wounds.’
    Conn’s Logistics Corp had been tasked with cleaning up the mess, and had already sprang into action, but it was a massive task, and they needed all the help they could get.
    Conn continued. ‘You will have to bury the dead today; so graves must be dug. Every person must be named and identified before he is buried. My heralds will assist you with these activities. All weapons must be surrendered, as must all animals. You are allowed your clothing and personal possessions only. You must ensure that everyone has a tent to sleep in and something to keep them warm. If you do not have food; that will be supplied as well.’
    Conn looked at Eocho, who nodded and responded.
    ‘Thane, a large supply of food arrived a few days ago; a dozen ships from Menia and Atrak. Abrecan has arranged for it to be unloaded to ox wagons and it will be here as soon as you give the order.’
    ‘So ordered.’ Eocho sent a wiga to Abrecan, while Conn continued to address the Gatinan Eaorls and Folctoga; whose had spent the entire time in total silence.
    ‘Gentlemen, you do not have much time, return to your men and set to work. I will be setting up a command post, and you will return there this evening. If you have questions, please ask any of my officers. Oh, and if you fail to perform these instructions to an acceptable standard, any ransom that I set on your name will double – if you even live to see tomorrow.’ Conn paused to contemplate the group. ‘Does anyone have any questions?’
    They looked nervously at each other. One gained courage and stepped forward. ‘What about punishments – will you be executing anyone?’
    Conn shook his head. “I might look like a barbarian but I am not. You will only have to be concerned if you have treated anyone in contravention of the Rules of War – or if your family decide not to pay your ransom.’
    The Rules of Law were a set of standards not unlike the Geneva Convention, and they had been set down by the first Casere. All wiga knew what they were and understood the consequences. Conn was starting to develop a real appreciation for the first Casere.
    The Eaorls, Thanes and Folctoga set out immediately, relieved that they might just live to see another day. Aisly and her Folctoga had watched and waited quietly all this time.
    Soon after, the

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