Suspicious Minds (Fate #3)

Free Suspicious Minds (Fate #3) by Elizabeth Reyes

Book: Suspicious Minds (Fate #3) by Elizabeth Reyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Reyes
spoke to her best friend and
apparently didn’t have many friends out here yet, she liked stopping by when
she got the chance for girl talk like tonight. Something that Rosie seemed excited
    Lorenzo had heard enough. He didn’t bother probing for more. If
he’d been adamant before about not getting involved with this girl, he sure as hell
didn’t want to now. The last thing he needed was another chick who was still
pining over an ex.
    No fucking thanks.

    Lorenzo was Rose’s brother-in-law. Again, what were those
freaking odds? Olivia had known Rose might know him, maybe even well, but not this well. She was only glad now that she’d had the presence of mind to not tell
Rose who her one-night-stand had been with. But still Olivia had given her new
friend details of her night with him, and it turns out the guy was Rose’s
husband’s brother and she was “very close” to him?
    Olivia’s had to practically pick her jaw up from the ground when
he drove up tonight and she heard Rose’s words. “Oh, look. It’s Enzo, my
brother-in-law.” And then Olivia had watched in horror as he got out of the car,
looking as hot as ever.
    Having to stand there and talk to all of them in front of him
while keeping her cool had been a huge challenge. She’d been doing just fine
until Vince’s unexpected invitation to join them watching the game. Olivia
couldn’t spit out her “no” fast enough, and she was certain from Lorenzo’s
expression her fumbling words hadn’t gone unnoticed. But at least she’d managed
to come up with something, even though it didn’t make sense. Olivia hadn’t
finished telling Rose about her one-night stand, so she knew Rose would want
her to finish. This was why they’d kept talking outside even after the guys
went in. Fortunately, Rose hadn’t questioned why she stuck around if, in fact,
she had to get going as she’d claimed.
    If Rose’s brother-in-law had been anyone else, Olivia just might’ve
hung out with them tonight. It wasn’t as if she had anywhere else to be, and she
was really beginning to enjoy her new friendship with Rose. But, of course, hanging
out with them with Lorenzo making her heart thump the whole time was out of the
question. She actually felt kind of sad about the whole thing.
    After he’d gone into the house, Rose told her she and her husband
do a lot with Enzo . It was likely that, if she and Rose ever did start
doing some of the things they’d talked about like Oktoberfest at Gaslamp, he’d probably
go too.
    Olivia didn’t ask Rose, but the way she spoke of him hanging out
with her and her husband a lot and the fact that he’d showed up alone tonight,
it appeared he was single. Rose never once mentioned a wife or fiancée or even
a girlfriend.
    If that were the case, then one thing was even clearer. His lack
of interest in anything more than the one-time romp they shared had nothing to
do with guilt or being unavailable. It was genuine disinterest in her .
Olivia took a deep breath, doing her best to squelch the sting this reawakened.
It reminded her of all that time Jay could never commit to anything with her despite what she thought she’d felt from him, but he wasn’t just committed
to Margie now—he was engaged to her.
    It was a dumb thought, she knew, but it made her wonder if
something about her repelled guys from wanting to commit to her. She’d sworn
she would never have such insecure thoughts again. Jay had made her that way.
Yet, she couldn’t help feel the insecurity seep in.
    The only way she’d be able to be around Lorenzo was if her
feelings for him were mutual. But after tonight she had to admit if she were
around him more than the few minutes she’d had since their night together, she’d
just be torturing herself, even if he continued to be kind of a jerk as he’d
been at the repast. She’d like to say she was as uninterested in anything more
between them as he appeared to be.
    The truth

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