Evelyn Richardson

Free Evelyn Richardson by The Scandalous Widow

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Authors: The Scandalous Widow
mother’s support.” The marchioness, clutching her ever-present handkerchief, dabbed gently at the corner of each eye. “Though I still see no reason for her to go so far away. Surely, if Miss Mitton is as ineffective as you say she is, it is merely a matter of finding another governess, and…” Her voice trailed off helplessly.
    “I thought you were concerned about Arabella’s growing friendship with Foxworthy’s son?”
    “I am, but Arabella is a good girl and most biddable. It is enough that I point out to her how unsuitable it is for her to encourage him. Do you not think so?”
    Lucian, who knew his lively and determined niece far better than her mother did, did not think so, but it was useless to remonstrate. The marchioness was a woman of limited intelligence and even less resolve who saw only what she wished to see.
    “Believe me, Arabella is not likely to forget about young Foxworthy when he is intent on capturing a wealthy bride. He is well aware of his good fortune. Such a prize, so close and so ripe for the picking, is not to be sneezed at, and I assure you he is determined to take advantage of his situation.”
    “Oh, surely not. Surely he is aware that their difference in station makes such a thing impossible?”
    “I am convinced that he thinks nothing of the sort.”
    “Oh, dear. Whatever shall we do? Arabella will be most distressed, I am sure.”
    “Trust me, Louisa, removing her from his influence is the only answer. Do not worry about it. I assure you that once Arabella has been introduced into the companionship of other girls and the delights of shopping in Bath, she will forget all about young Foxworthy. And the quicker she is introduced to them, the better. I shall be happy to escort her there on Saturday.”
    “Saturday! But that is only three days’ time! We can never be ready in three days’ time.”
    “You have no need to be ready, as I intend to accompany her.”
    “But she must have her mother with her for support.”
    Privately, Lucian was certain that Arabella was far more likely to consider her mother a burden than a support, but he smiled reassuringly at the marchioness as he patted her shoulder. “Your concern is only natural, but think of the fatigue of the journey. I shall be returning to London soon at any rate, and Bath is but a stop along the way for me. For you, it would mean not only the journey there, but a night at an inn and the return trip alone without the company of your daughter.”
    The marchioness shuddered.
    “So you see, your offer, though all that is admirable, is entirely unnecessary, and I promise I shall not leave Bath until I have seen to it that Arabella is safely ensconced at Lady Catherine Granville’s Select Academy for Genteel Young Ladies.”
    The marchioness raised swimming eyes and smiled tremulously at her brother-in-law. “Thank you, Lucian. You have been so good. Ever since Herbert left us, I have not known how to go on. I hate to ask yet another favor from one who has already done so much, but I think it would be a great deal better coming from you—the news, I mean.”
    “I shall be happy to inform Arabella of our decision.”
    “Oh, would you? You are too generous.” The marchioness reached for her vinaigrette and lay back on the sofa where she had been reclining with a book of sermons when Lucian sought her out.
    It was nothing even remotely like generosity that compelled Lucian to return to Bath, but there was no point in disabusing the marchioness of that notion. The more she believed him to be acting in their best interests, and the more she relied on him for guidance and support, the better off they would all be. Her impulses were always the best; however, the marchioness was a kind but weak mistress whose indecisiveness had nearly reduced the household to utter confusion before Lucian had been able to get there and set things back to rights again after receiving the news of his elder brother’s death.
    No, it was not

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