My Forever (Canary Series)

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Book: My Forever (Canary Series) by Cl King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cl King
you’re with me you're smiling. And it's a genuine sweet smile, as if letting me know that everything is going to be OK. It's reassuring, but it's like you’re not only reassuring me but your also reassuring yourself."
    Nate took his left hand and tilted her head back so he could look into her eyes. "That's because no matter what is going on, when I see you I know it's going to be OK. You make me so happy. So yes, I do only smile when I see you, think about you or when I’m with you. I save this smile just for you. No one has ever gotten this smile and no one ever will. As far as I'm concerned this is your smile and nobody else’s. I cherish this smile as much as I cherish you."
    They sat there staring in each other’s eyes for a few moments long er until someone dropped a book causing them to break out of their trance. They both laughed and Olivia got off his lap. "What do you say we get out of here and go for a walk?" He suggested.
    "That sounds perfect; we can drop our stuff off at Mapleleaf so we don't have to carry it around."
    "Sounds like a plan." He stood up and helped Olivia pack up her things and then they walked over to his table where he packed up his stuff. "Here, hand me your bag, I'll carry it."
    "Are you sure?"
    He reached over and helped her take her bag off her shoulder and placed it on his right one, "Yes, I'm sure. Once we get to Mapleleaf I will get a snack for you from my stash that I brought with me last night. You need to eat a little something since you haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday morning."
    "Alright, I just still can't believe that you put in for a transfer and are staying with Garrett. Hopefully you two will become friends."
    "Well, that shouldn't be too hard since we both have one very special thing in common."
    "Oh yeah, what's that?"
    He smiled and took her hand in his and kissed it, "You." She couldn't help but smile and they walked the entire way from the library to Mapleleaf in silence, holding hands.
    They arrived at Mapleleaf both smiling and stealing glances at one another. He handed her her bag so she could take it to her room. "Meet back here in say, ten minutes. I need to change."
    Nate smiled, "Yeah, sounds like a deal. I'll see you in ten minutes." He kissed her forehead and watched her walk to her room. When he turned around to head to Garrett’s room he saw Christine and Emily sitting on the couch. They were both staring at him. "Hello ladies," he said, smiling as he passed them.
    "Hello ladies. That's all you have to say to us?" Emily asked angrily. She couldn't believe what she had just witnessed.
    Nate turned around and saw that Emily had stood up and Christine was still sitting down. "What are you talking about? I thought ‘Hello ladies’ was a nice acknowledgment of your presence."
    " Emily, sit back down. Let’s let Nate go do what he needs to do," Christine said trying to calm Emily down.
    "He's going the wrong way though. Shouldn't he be going out the front door and to Riverbend where his room is at?"
    Christine looked at Nate letting him know that this was all him. He took a deep breath and walked to a chair that was facing the couch and sat his bag on the floor as he sat down. "Emily you might as well sit down as well so I can tell you everything that is going on."
    Emily looked back and forth between Christine and Nate before sitting down. "OK, what is going on? I’m so confused right now. And slightly pissed off, you didn't show up again to talk. You promised me last night that you would meet me to talk. I waited until the very last minute. I tried to call but it went straight to voicemail, and then I texted you but you didn't answer. I went to Riverbend but you weren't there."
    "Look, I'm sorry, I truly am. But I completely forgot. I had other things on my mind and I had my phone turned off."
    "Yeah , well, expect to see a lot of angry texts and have a lot of angry voicemails when you turn it back on."
    "Fully noted, and as for me not being at

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