My Forever (Canary Series)

Free My Forever (Canary Series) by Cl King

Book: My Forever (Canary Series) by Cl King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cl King
father. He told me that I'm not allowed back at the house after this term is over. He basically kicked me out of the house as well as disowned me."
    Nate was in shock from the news. The girl he loved got kicked out and disowned by her remaining living parent. He knew that he had to do something to help her. She was still going to be doing treatments when school ended and he didn't want her to go through it alone. He knew that Garrett and his family would be more than happy to take her in, but what would that mean for him. He had to have her close so he could be there. Then an idea hit him. "Come stay in Emersonville."
    "What?" She asked in surprise.
    "You heard me, come and stay in Emersonville. We have an apartment that we let our guests stay in when they come to visit for a prolonged period of time. This way we can see each other, you will be safe, I can take you to treatments and be there for you. It's the perfect solution. Sometimes I go there to get away. So I can stay with you and my father wouldn't know."
    "Are you seri ous? You would do that for me?"
    " Canary, I would do anything for you. I made a vow and I'm not breaking it. So what do you say?"
    Olivia smiled and nodded then jumped up and into his lap. "Thank you Cole. You are just amazing. I was so lost and didn't know what this summer would bring. How would I ever be able to repay you for everything that you have done for me?"
    "Just having you in my life is repayment enough. Bu t I do have some news for you."
    "Oh yeah, and w hat would that be?"
    "Well, thanks to Garrett. I have officially put in for a transfer for Mapleleaf."
    " I’m sorry, but you did what?"
    "I applied to transfe r from Riverbend to Mapleleaf."
    Olivia smiled, "You're serious, you actually did that?"
    Nate nodded, "Of course I did. This way I can be near you. Are you OK with that?"
    "Of course I'm OK with it, I'm more th an OK with it. I’m a bit shocked but I'm excited, I hope you get approved. When do you find out? Where will you stay?"
    Nate couldn't help but smile and hold Olivia close, "Well, we hope to hear within the next day or two. We told them that it's important and that it's because I want to be there to help you. It's a good thing that my placement test results for Riverbend and Mapleleaf were so close."
    " Just how close?"
    "They were one-tenth of a point from each other."
    " Wow that is close, so that should work in your favor then."
    "It will help in OUR favor," he emphasized the word ‘our’ to get the point across.
    "You are amazing, just so amazing. I don't know what I wo uld do without you in my life."
    "Well let’s pray we don't ever have to find out." He smiled his smile that he uses only for her. She laughed and burrowed her head into his neck. "What's so funny?"
    She looked up at him and smiled, " Nothing. Something just hit me."
    "And what might that be?" He looked at her with curiosity written all over his face.
    "Your smile."
    "My smile? That's what hit you? My smile?" He chuckled.
    "Yeah, your smile is what hit me."
    "OK, I’ll bite. What is it about my smile that all of a sudden just hit you?"
    "Oh, I do n't know if I should tell you."
    "And why is that?"
    "Because it's a tad bit embarrassing, that’s why."
    "Come on Olivia, it can't be that bad."
    Her face turned red and she looked everywhere but at him trying to decide if she should tell him. Finally she looked back at him , "Do you really want to know?"
    He nodded, " Of course."
    "Promise me yo u won't laugh."
    "I promise," he crossed his heart to prove to her that he meant it.
    "Ok, well , the thing is that I noticed that you have this smile that you save just for me."
    "Oh, I do , do I? And how do you know this?" He was really intrigued by her observation and wanted to know more.
    "Well, you see , the truth is that I noticed that when you walk in the halls between classes you seem to read most of the time. And when you're not reading but with your friends you don't smile. But when you see me or when

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