Flying Burger

Free Flying Burger by Jared Martin

Book: Flying Burger by Jared Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jared Martin
crowd gathered there.
    "Fellow Fontasians, we are gathered here today for praise giving. Our proficiency in magic is divided into four levels, basic, intermediate, advanced and perfection. We all strive to reach the highest level, when we can use magic to make all our wishes come true. Let us give praise to the Epsilon Phoenix, the source of all our magic!"
    The Master of Ceremony declared the start of Praise Giving. The longhorn sounded again for a full five minutes. When all was quiet, he asked all the contestant robots to come onstage. Everyone cheered loudly. Robot SAR22 was presented with a magic bracelet which it wore on its robot arm. A long applause followed. When the last sound died, an interlude of chanting came from the ten-member choir at the foot of the stage. This carried on for about ten minutes before the first praise song was sung. The choir was accompanied by a small musical band. Fontasians had good vocals and musical inclinations. Before long, all Fontasians gathered were joined in singing, the quality of which was ethereal. The songs of praises were dedicated to the Epsilon Phoenix because Fontasians believed it to be their divine guardian and protector.
    There were altogether five Magical Orders in Fontasia: Ancient, Black, Brachian, Minoric and Pyros. Each Magical Order was guided by an individual commander, dressed in Roman war-general outfit. These commanders looked fierce and imposing. The overall commander of these Magical Orders was the Ancient Order. Many years ago, a conflict arose between the Ancient Order and the Black Order over a small issue. The Black Order wanted to take over command of all the Magical Orders. Kostara was the commander of the Black Order. He challenged the sea-nymph and a fierce battle arose which lasted for many days. Eventually, Kostara lost marginally!
    When the last song subsided, the Master of Ceremony called on the Brachian Order of magic to demonstrate its fireworks. The first Fontasian seated on the right-side of the stage stepped forward and began chanting incantations. Suddenly, he stopped and pointed his finger at the sky, very much like one of the actor in the movie 'Grease'. A long horizontal white string of fireworks flashed across the sky, with more fireworks cascading from the original line. It looked marvellous, just like a waterfall of fireworks. "Oooo", "ah", "oh" and "wow" came from the crowd. Subsequently, many more strings of fireworks appeared shooting upwards at different angles, with following cascading fireworks.
    The Master of Ceremony next called on the Minoric Order of magic to perform. Fireworks that burst into spherical myriads of green and yellow lights were seen repeatedly high up in the sky. The crowd cheered loudly.
    The Pyros Order of magic was last to perform. Fireworks that fanned out when exploded kept appearing in different parts of the sky and at different intervals. Just when everyone thought that the show was coming to an end, the other two Magical Orders joined in the finale!
    It was indeed a night to rejoice, when something unexpected happened!

Chapter 6
    In a faraway Black Canyon, there was a Black Cave where an evil wizard lived. At this moment, he was busy practising an evil spell. Dressed in a dirty, torn and tattered wizard robe, he sat at his dirty work table. His wizard hat was bent at the top, the result of constant knocking against the top of the cave opening. On his table, there were knives, forceps, scissors and all kinds of funny cutting instruments. There were tiny pieces of animals which were unfortunate to be cut up and left lying all over the table. Tongues, tails, wings and teeth could be easily found. A big cauldron hung in the middle of the cave with a fire burning below it. This cave was dim. It was lit by several candles held by candle-stands jutting out from the cave wall.
    Kostara was the notorious wizard from the Black Cave in the parallel universe. He fought a fierce battle with the sea nymph of Fontasia

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