Wanderer 3: Tainted Universe
Slower Path .  Either way the people of Greenseed would be dead then, or as good as.  Until that moment arrived he intended to make damn sure to keep them safe though, and to get as much food out to the needy as was possible.

Chapter Ten
    Jess glared at Dash, trying to keep his anger in check.
    “ How are we supposed to trust you?” he ground out.  “First you tell us the base is safe.  Now you claim it’s been taken over, that your friend is facing death.  How do we know that’s true?  It seems awfully convenient as you want to stay on the Wanderer now.  Can you prove what you say?”
    “ Yes.  But only by travelling to the base, and that would be a one way trip,” Dash replied.
    “ I believe him Jess,” Sal said, stepping between them.
    Jess took a deep breath, struggling to control himself.  Dash was a liar by his own admission.  He was the leader of a pirate organisation.  He was older and far cannier than Jess.  And he had an aura that made him seem trustworthy.
    The more time they spent together the more Dash reminded Jess of Matt.  Those wounds were far from healed.  Jess was determined not to be caught out in the same way.  He couldn’t explain his reasoning though, not in front of Dash.
    “ Does it change anything?” Sal asked.
    Jess felt anger surge inside at the question.  Anger fuelled by his frustration.
    “Of course it does!” he snapped back.
    “ Not in the short term,” she replied sharply, glaring a challenge at him.  “Freeing and unloading the prisoners is going to take the best part of a full day.  Why not see what happens?  Maybe we’ll get the proof we need.  Unless you were thinking of sticking chains on Dash.”
    Jess was startled for a moment, wondering if she could read his mind.  A few moments later he realised she was joking and smiled back, shaking his head.  Ali’s eyes narrowed.  She’d noticed the hesitation, even if no one else had.  Jess knew he’d hear about it later, when they were alone.
    “Well then,” Ali continued, a cold edge to her voice.  “Shouldn’t we start things in motion?  We have a lot of prisoners to offload.”
    Dash smiled slightly, nodding his head.  Jess was immediately on edge again.  Did Dash consider this a victory?  Was it another step in his plan? Jess vowed to keep an even closer eye on Dash until he was safely off the ship.  Something Jess was determined to make happen as soon as possible.
    “ The plan looks clear and efficient.  Just what I’d expect from you,” Dash told Knuckles, forcing a smile.
    “ Of course.  The sooner it’s done, the sooner we can sit down with those beers.”
    Dash forced out a chuckle through the tightening in his chest.  They both knew it would never happen now.  Dash would leave without setting foot on the base, and Knuckles would be killed soon after.
    “Sounds good.  The first toast will be to fallen comrades though,” Dash said solemnly.
    Knuckles nodded then replied in an equally solemn voice.
    “I’ll drink to that.  I heard about Dozer.  Damn waste.  There’s not many of us left now.”  His voice brightened.  “Still, at least you got me this nice, safe gig.  Now get those prisoners offloaded then get your arse over here for a drink.”
    “ I will my friend.  Dash out.”
    Dash stared at the blank screen, heart aching.  The conversation had been even more painful than he’d expected.  He’d never lost a friend this way before.  He’d never known they were as good as dead yet still been able to talk to them, having to pretend everything was normal.
    The worst part was being unable to say goodbye properly.  Knuckles had known it was their last conversation, Dash saw it in his friend’s eyes.  Whether Dash stayed on the Wanderer or boarded another ship he would need as much of a head start as possible.  Those holding the base had to believe Dash still planned to visit.
    “ Shuttles are on the move now.”
    Dash jumped

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