A Wishing Moon

Free A Wishing Moon by Sable Hunter

Book: A Wishing Moon by Sable Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sable Hunter
Rock and felt they had made contact. Arabella also told what the young man had said about the accident that had happened there only days earlier. “I assume you are going to follow up on that nugget of information?” Elizabeth asked.
    “ Of course, first thing tomorrow,” Arabella assured her.
    “ And you are planning on meeting him tonight?” Angelique spoke softly and carefully.
    “ Yes, I am going to perform the same ritual and use the dream pillow as I did last night.”
    Angelique reached into the pocket of her dress. “I have something for you.” She pulled out a sapphire necklace.
    “ Oh, Angelique, how beautiful.” Arabella held out her hand.
    “ Wear this tonight. The stones will help you dream and it aids in what they call today, astral travel. You have to realize, this young man may be unaware he is leaving his body. He may not know this is anything more than a dream. You must ask him some questions and find out who he is, and if he is in trouble, where he is.”
    “ I will try.”
    They were about to call it a night and retire upstairs, but Nanette stopped them. “Arabella, before we go to bed, let’s check every window and every door to make sure this place is safe. The things we have been preoccupied with today are important, but our well-being must take first place. Tomorrow, we will put up a ward around this home to keep out any enemy or any evil. For tonight, wear your red gris-gris bags to bed and I will pray for our safety.” They listened carefully to their elder relative and did as she requested. Elizabeth could hear her mother’s thoughts as clearly as if she were speaking aloud. Nanette could feel the danger and thought it may very well be connected to the murders in the neighborhood, but she did not have the proof, yet. Elizabeth prayed they would have the answers, soon.

    * * * *

    The day had been a long one. Nanette, Angelique and Evangeline had not had more than a couple of hours sleep the night before, and they were exhausted. Arabella made sure everyone had everything they needed before she went to her own room.
    She couldn’t wait to see what her dreams would bring. After preparing for bed, she placed the sapphire necklace around her neck with the red flannel bag. She could tell the piece was very old. She charged it in her right hand and asked the spirit of the stone to allow her to find out his name. The dream pillow went underneath her pillow and she, once again, smudged the room with mugwort and lavender. Not wanting a repeat of last night’s restless tossing and turning, she opted to begin reading a book from the outset tonight. Arabella had chosen a work by the great Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet . He wrote a great deal on astral projection and even though she found it very interesting, The Sleeping Prophet put her right to sleep.
    Almost instantly, she found herself right where she had longed to be all day. Even though the hour had been late when she went to bed, sunlight shone brightly on Enchanted Rock. Again, she heard the cry of a hawk. Frantically, she turned around in a circle searching the vast top of the pink granite mount. She was all alone, no one in sight. Her heart lurched with deep disappointment. She fell to her knees and began to weep. Despair flooded her soul. What more could she do? With head in hand, Arabella prayed to the gods for mercy and help.
    A shadow covered her. Lifting her head, she saw the object of her desire, kneeling in front of her. She threw her arms around his neck and wept with joy. He drew her close and cupped the back of her head. “Don’t cry. I’m here.”
    Arabella found his lips with hers. The kiss this time was tender and full of reverence. “I didn’t think you were coming.” She held on to him with all the strength she possessed. The solidness of him seemed to be a contradiction she couldn’t bear to examine very closely. Afraid that she would lose herself in his embrace, she forced her mind to think clearly. “You

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