The Darkness

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Book: The Darkness by Nina Croft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nina Croft
could sense a deep well of anguish. “The magic is out of control, and it will get worse until you pay the price.”
    â€œI will pay,” Gina said. “But first, I need…”
    â€œThere’s no time,” Regan interrupted. “I’m releasing Diablo and Satan. Expect us soon.”
    The connection was cut. Gina stared at the cell phone clutched in her hand, then hurled it across the room. She raised her head and listened, as though she would already hear the baying of the hounds as they raced across the night sky, hunting her down.
    Regan had set the hellhounds after her.
    How could she? Her own sister. But Gina knew how. She crossed the hotel room and drew back the heavy curtain. Outside, darkness had fallen and flashes of crimson fire lit up the night sky. She bit her lip. Regan was right—time was running out.
    Gina dropped the curtain and sank down to the floor, hugging her knees.
    She would never be sorry for what she’d done. There was always a price to pay for wielding the earth magic, and she had known the consequences would be severe when she’d used it to save Raven’s life. She’d done it anyway—no price was too high to save her daughter, and Gina was willing to pay. Just not yet. First, she needed to be certain Darius was safe.
    She knew she could never see him again. She’d accepted that when she’d walked away a week ago. She’d wanted to stay, desperately, but how could she after what she had done? Knowing what she must soon do?
    Twenty-two years ago, Darius had abducted her, seduced her and taken her blood. In doing so, he had forged a bond between them, a bond so strong they felt each other’s thoughts and emotions. That bond had faded with time, until now only a tenuous thread connected them. Then last night she had felt his bitterness, and realized how close he was to embracing the Darkness. Dread filled her at the thought; it would be the end of him. He would be an outcast, hunted down by his own kind.
    She’d reached out to him. He had heard her and stepped back from the edge. Now she needed to be sure he would not give in.
    A light tap sounded on the door.
    Her eyes flew open; her muscles tightened. The hounds couldn’t have found her yet. Then she breathed out, forcing herself to relax. After all, a hellhound wouldn’t knock. Scrambling to her feet, she crossed the room and opened the door. Her breath caught in her throat, and a fierce wave of delight washed over her.
    Darius was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his broad chest. He appeared outwardly relaxed, but the air around him throbbed with tension. A slight smile lifted the corners of his lips, but his eyes remained cold as black ice, and Gina’s delight oozed away. She knew she should slam the door in his face, but was unable to move.
    When she’d first laid eyes on him, she’d thought him the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen in her entire life. She’d lived for over two hundred years, and in all that time she’d never seen anything quite so perfect. His looks hadn’t changed—he was still perfect—butnow there was a cold, bitter edge of cruelty to his beauty, and she knew the change was due to her.
    Black hair fell in an unkempt, wild tangle to his shoulders, stubble lined his strong jaw and a vicious scar ran down his right cheek. Her finger trembled with the need to reach out and smooth away the angry line. His faded jeans hung low on his lean hips, and a faded T-shirt stretched taut over his wide shoulders and muscular chest.
    â€œAre you going to invite me in?” he asked, and the coldness in his voice matched the ice in his eyes. If she’d had any notion he still harbored feelings for her, it disappeared in that moment.
    But if he didn’t have feelings, then what did he want from her? A flash of fear hit her hard, and Gina fought it down. She tried to tell herself she trusted Darius with her

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