The Traveler

Free The Traveler by David Golemon

Book: The Traveler by David Golemon Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Golemon
made a deal with Anya’s uncle. She’s now our problem. Colonel Henri Farbeaux is already bringing Anya in. It seems, Mr. President, she’s now a part of our team whether you like it or not. We owe her at least that.”
    The president was almost as white as a sheet. “What in the hell does Henri Farbeaux have to do with all of this?”
    â€œOh, I guess I forgot to mention, I recruited Henri as a specialist for the duration of this Event. After all, he’s seen our complex, thus he’s not a security risk. He already knows everything.”
    The president took a moment at this time to turn away, crutch in hand, and walk to the cafeteria area of the kitchen. He sat slowly in a chair with his cast and leg sticking out precariously.
    â€œYou and Mrs. Hamilton laid a trap for me, legally speaking, and frankly I don’t appreciate it.”
    â€œI don’t know what you mean, Mr. President,” Niles retorted.
    â€œI just gave you executive powers far beyond any agency in the history of the United States by granting you a delayed reporting rule change and you turn around and hit me with a prison escape, a request to allow a foreign intelligence agent into the top-most secret agency in the world, and, oh, by the way, we’re also bringing in a sociopath as your head engineer, and now you’re saying you want the foremost enemy of this department inside my facility!”
    Jack looked at Niles, as he was stunned that just Niles and Alice had done all of the planning.
    â€œPremeditated,” the president said. “You knew when you and I planned on sending her back to Israel that the odds were she was going to get caught, thus you had Alice on standby in case the worst happened.”
    â€œProblem on all fronts solved. Now everyone, including the colonel and yourself, are up to date on everything. Anya and Henri are now my responsibility, so let’s get moving and bring a brave man back home, shall we?” He smiled as he looked from Jack to the president. “If not, I can always tell your wife about your dietary habits when she’s not here.”
    â€œYou bald bastard, get the hell out of here, and if that Frenchman steals anything, it’s coming out of your ass. Jesus, we’re probably letting the Mossad in on everything we have inside those vaults!”
    â€œYou worry too much.” Niles stood and he and Jack left the kitchen.
    *   *   *
    On the way to the elevator and the rooftop helipad, Niles lost his smile as he knew then that it was a good thing the president gave him the hundred-hour window for reporting. He knew that it was not only to keep deniability to other federal agencies, like the CIA, on when and how the president knew something, it was for other reasons also.
    â€œOkay,” Niles said as he stopped short of entering the idling Black Hawk helicopter for their return flight to Nellis Air Force Base. “The one thing I didn’t tell the president was that Operation Alcatraz has already commenced.” Compton handed one of his security men his briefcase. “It makes me nervous with the operation going in so short-handed. How is Mr. Ryan doing in Mexico?”
    â€œHe said he had volunteers, that’s all I was aware of before his team left for Mexico. So, I figure Captain Ryan is deep into his role,” Jack said.
    As Niles climbed into the seating area of the Black Hawk, Jack looked to the sky. When he knew Niles could not hear him he said a silent rebuttal.
    â€œJust how deep is anyone’s guess.”
    The Rio Natchez prison was a private concern based on the model perfected in the States. One of the minor investments of Richard Salvador Gutiérrez, the Rio Natchez was basically a death camp for storing the drug dealer’s enemies until he had the leisure time to watch them die. At least fifty percent of the eighty-six inmates were sent

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