Between The Sheets

Free Between The Sheets by Colette Caddle

Book: Between The Sheets by Colette Caddle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colette Caddle
Tags: FIC000000
phone, disappointed. She decided against phoning his mobile; it wouldn't be possible to talk if he was with a customer. It could wait, she decided. In fact, she'd leave it until Monday and spend the weekend making herself look reasonably presentable. If he did agree to meet she didn't want to look like some washed-out mess. Picking up the phone again she called her beauty salon. 'This is Dana De Lacey. Could I make an appointment, please?'

Chapter Seven
    'Wow, are we the only normal people here?' Ashling murmured as she looked around enviously at the tall, willowy beauties who filled the room. Every year this fashion show seemed to get more glamorous. 'I feel enormous among all these double zeros.'
    Tom squeezed her hand. 'You look fabulous.'
    Ashling had thought she looked quite well too, in her sleeveless silver dress — until she'd walked into the ball-room of the Shelbourne hotel. Everyone here seemed to be famous, rich, gorgeous or, in some cases, all three. 'Where are we sitting?' she asked. Standing for more than fifteen minutes at a time was proving a challenge these days.
    'The top table, of course,' Tom said, putting a hand in the small of her back and steering her through the crowds. 'Can you see Gus anywhere?'
    Ashling scanned the room. Gus was head and shoulders above most people and usually easy to spot, but he was nowhere in sight. 'No.'
    Tom sighed as he pulled out a chair for his wife. 'I'll go and look for him.'
    'Don't argue,' Ashling warned.
    Tom held up his hands. 'I won't.'
    He made slow progress back across the room, stopping to shake hands, exchange hugs and kisses and give the occasional instruction to one of the hotel staff. As he neared the door he spotted Carla in the corridor and made a beeline for her. 'Have you seen Gus?' he asked, without preamble.
    Carla shook her head. 'Do you want me to go and look for him?'
    'No, I think I can guess where he is,' Tom said grimly. 'If you do see him, though, tell him to get his butt in there.'
    As he'd suspected, Gus was sitting at the bar with a whiskey in front of him. With his wife's words ringing in his ears, he made his way to his partner's side and caught the barman's eye. 'Jameson, please.'
    Gus looked up at him and grinned. 'Yo, partner, how the hell are ya?'
    Tom's eyes widened as he took in Gus's red eyes, his undone tie, and the distinct smell of alcohol on his breath. The barman returned with his drink. 'And a pot of black coffee,' Tom said stiffly. 'Make it strong.' He steered his partner to a quiet table in a far corner of the room and glared at him. 'What the fuck do you think you're playing at?'
    'Relax, Tom. I'm just having a quick drink.'
    'You've had several by the look of it. How could you, Gus? This place is crawling with our clients, not to mention the press.'
    'I'm fine,' Gus told him.
    The coffee arrived and Tom poured some, tugged the glass from his partner's hand and replaced it with the cup. 'Drink,' he instructed.
    With a sigh Gus obediently raised the cup to his lips. 'I'm fine,' he repeated.
    'You look like shit.' Tom looked around nervously. 'The show starts in ten minutes so keep drinking that coffee. And don't even dream of touching another drop of alcohol tonight.'
    When Gus didn't reply, Tom shook his head in frustration. 'Why are you behaving like this, Gus? Is it Dana?'
    Gus stared sullenly into his coffee.
    Tom was about to press the matter when Carla appeared at his side.
    'Oh, good, you found him. It's time to take our seats.'
    'Damn.' Tom stood up. 'Carla, you stay here and get at least two more cups of coffee into him before you bring him inside.'
    Carla's eyes widened as Gus gave her a drunken grin. 'Sure, yeah, you go on.'
    'Not another drop tonight,' Tom repeated, before disappearing into the crowd.
    'Are you okay?' Carla asked, taking Tom's seat.
    'My esteemed partner says not. What do you think?'
    Carla smiled apologetically. "You do look a little the worse for wear. Here, let me fix your tie.' Stretching

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