It will cover the target with
more worms than yer apple," a scrawny boy decided.
    "First you must each take turns hitting the
target with your stones. Line up, now, smallest to tallest." She
waited while the children scrambled to do as she said. "Giles made
piles of ten stones for each of you. You must call out the number
each time you load your sling. Ready?"
    The children pulled their slings from their
pockets and swung them back and forth with gusto. One by one, they
moved forward, loaded a stone in their sling and called out its
number. They swung their sling back and forth until comfortable
then released their stone. All craned their necks to see if it hit
the target.
    Letia praised each one. If they did not hit
their goal, she pointed out how close it was or found some praise
for their effort. By the time each had ten turns, their aim was
more accurate.
    When time to use the rotted fruit, Giles ran
down the stairs and jumped around in front of the target, acting
like a lad with little wit. The children stood where they could
see. One after the other squealed as they loaded their sling and
let their missile fly.
    When an aim struck him squarely, no one
laughed harder than Giles himself. He made a deep, sweeping bow and
flashed his bright, toothy smile at the child being admired.
    By the time all the rotted missiles were
gone, Letia's sides ached from laughing. She sent the children to
wash up before collecting their hot scones at the cookhouse.
    "'Twas kind of you to offer yourself as an
added target, Giles."
    Letia stood on a mounting block. As two boys
from the stable filled buckets of water from the horse trough, she
poured them over Giles head.
    "Better wormy fruit than a bladder of piss,"
he said, grinning at her while swiping water from his eyes.
    "Aye. But you'd best give your tunic to the
baker's daughter once we are done."
    He cocked his head as if he did not know to
whom she referred.
    "You cannot pretend you have not noted her.
You near drooled on your tunic when she sat for the noon meal."
    His reddened face rivaled the apple skins
floating in the puddle at his feet.
    Hearing the mournful wail of the injured
beast in the woods, Letia stood still, as did everyone going about
their business in the front bailey.
    After the evening meal, she and Warin would
take their next offering to the beast. She planned to dose the meat
with a sleeping potion so the men could safely bring it inside the
curtain walls. If she could help it, she would, regardless of the
man in the locked room. But if Julian had too sorely wounded the
beast, it would be kinder to end its suffering.
    The animal looked to have been magnificent
before his injuries. His body was much larger than any ordinary
dog. His back looked to be higher than her hip. Who was it. . .?
What god had such a dog? Maud had oft told her about Saxon legends
when she was growing up. Her mind searched and quickly
    "Woden!" she shouted as she emptied another
bucket over Giles. The young man jerked and turned his startled
face up to her.
    "Lady, do ye require aid, or is it a war ye
    "No war. At least for the moment. Maud used
to tell me stories of the gods when I was young. I remembered what
drew my interest when I saw our howling beastie."
    "The beast reminded ye of Woden?" His head
tilted in question.
    "Nay. The god Woden had two giant wolves,
Freki and Geri, to keep him from loneliness. Two black ravens,
Hugin and Munin, scouted ahead for food as they traveled. The birds
were forever hungry. Ravenous. 'Tis why they are called
    She raised her hand and with her forefinger
extended, made a twirling motion with it, bidding him to turn his
back. When he did so, she gathered her skirts above her ankles then
placed one hand on his sturdy shoulder. He took half a step forward
and halted. When he did, she jumped down from the block, using her
grip on him to steady herself.
    Raik did not lack for anything to occupy his
mind. Soon after the noon

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