A Broken Us (London Lover Series Book 1)

Free A Broken Us (London Lover Series Book 1) by Amy Daws

Book: A Broken Us (London Lover Series Book 1) by Amy Daws Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Daws
quotes. Sometimes we laugh for no reason at all. As kids, we used to hang our
heads off the side of the bed and force ourselves to laugh until the laughing
became real. I don’t know if it was the blood rushing to our heads that caused
our fits of giggles, or just the ridiculousness that we were re-enacting stupid
crap we did as grade-schoolers now that we are 25 years old, but that is right
when Frank walks in on us. I’m sure the image of us both hanging our heads off
the side of the bed looks insane to him as he tries to act all mature and
superior, but only five minutes later, he dives in between us and joins in the
    We go out a few nights a week, too. Mostly to
the pub around the corner, which is quickly becoming my favorite place in
London. Frank and Leslie are sure to show me all their other favorite spots in
the city, as well. They appease me and do the whole tourist double-decker bus tour
with me. Frank keeps hiding his face, afraid someone might recognize him every
time we are on busy corners, but I can tell he is enjoying the historical
tidbits the announcer says into the microphone. Julie and Mitch even join us
one night for some Indian food in West London. Mitch doesn’t say much the whole
time, but Julie is very chatty and friendly. I genuinely like her. I discover
that Indian food is as popular in London as Mexican food is in the Midwest.
    Val sends me two copy-writing assignments for a
new indie author they are doing marketing and public relations for. When I’m
not sightseeing with Leslie or Frank, I stow away in my circular room. I enjoy
the noise of the skate park across the road as I type press releases and
various synopsis options for the first novel I have to read.
    I am really starting to love my circular little
cave of a room. It lets in a lot of bright, natural light, allowing the old
wooden floorboards to shine. I still don’t have a desk or chair, so I do all my
writing on the mattress that still sits in the middle of the room on the floor.
I’ve sorted and arranged all my clothes to sit in folded piles inside the
suitcases on one wall. I really should consider buying a dresser, but the idea
of asking skinny little Frank to help me carry it up three flights of stairs
seems like too much work. Leslie is probably stronger than Frank, come to think
of it. She did grow up on a farm, but I can’t ask her. She’s been working a lot
of hours designing an extra bag that Nikon wanted added to the line last
    I haven’t heard from Brody and I know I can’t
call him, even though I desperately want to. All I hear echoing in my head is
the pain in his voice when he told me he was giving up on me. I hate that we
left it so badly. I’ve talked to Cadence a few times through Skype and she
informed me she hadn’t had any more drunken visits from him. I feel like she’s
holding something back from me. I keep pestering her to let it out, but she
    I fear the worst, that Brody has met someone
and moved on. I know I have no right to care because we’re broken up, but I
can’t help myself . I have to know. I
decide to reactivate my Facebook account. Val’s assignment can wait. Life has been brutal without Facebook for two whole weeks.
    I immediately pull up Brody’s profile and a
sick feeling washes over me as I see his relationship status changed to Single . Why the hell does that surprise
me? I left him, for goodness sake. Of course he should be single. I click on
his profile picture that used to be a photo of the two of us. Now it’s just a
photo of him at some outdoor festival. I can’t tell where he is and it pains me
to realize I don’t know everything he’s doing anymore. I scroll through the
rest of his profile pictures, assuming I’ll see all the old ones of us, but
they are nowhere to be found. I broaden my photo search, desperate to find a
picture of the two of us. He couldn’t have totally erased me from his life
could he? There is not one damn picture of me

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