Drama Dolls: A Novel: [Dark, Suspenseful, Fast-paced, Exhilarating]

Free Drama Dolls: A Novel: [Dark, Suspenseful, Fast-paced, Exhilarating] by Jason Tanamor Page A

Book: Drama Dolls: A Novel: [Dark, Suspenseful, Fast-paced, Exhilarating] by Jason Tanamor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason Tanamor
Jeffrey said, “Bud? Miller Lite? Coors?”
    Exiting the car, the shorter boy slid off Alex to stretch his legs. He said, “Whatever you buy, I’ll drink it.”
    Jeffrey, anxious to hang out, said, “Sounds good.” He disappeared into the store.
    Alex, sitting shotgun, checked out the car’s interior. Looking over at the dashboard, the steering wheel’s center with the Corvette logo, he admired the car’s gauges.
    Leaning back toward the passenger seat, Alex grabbed the stick shift. Talking to himself, he said, “Nice.”
    Opening up the glove compartment, Alex found a tube of lipstick. Next to it, a tiny makeup pouch zipped closed. He twisted the base of the lipstick and watched it extend upward. Replacing the tube, he reached for the makeup pouch.
    “What do you got there?” the shorter boy said.
    Removing his hand, closing the glove compartment, Alex said, “Nothing.”
    “Wasn’t sure what you wanted so I bought all three,” Jeffrey said, emerging from the storefront. A six pack of bottles each, Jeffrey handed them to the shorter boy and walked around to the driver’s side.
    Slithering in the car, both hands filled with alcohol, the shorter boy twisted off a bottle cap and handed the beer to Alex. He reached for another one, removed the cap and then handed it to Jeffrey.
    “Thank you kind sir,” Jeffrey said. Taking a swig of the beer, Jeffrey licked his lips and said, “Ahh!”
    Alex held up his Miller Lite. Both Jeffrey and the shorter boy clanked their bottles together. The three toasting to a good night.
    Pulling out of the parking lot, the Corvette racing down side streets, the passengers downed their drinks.
    “Where we going?” Alex said.
    Turning down random streets, cutting through various neighborhoods of houses, Jeffrey said, “A place I used to go to with my wife.”
    Alex and the shorter boy looked at each other. The shorter boy, coming down from his high, feeling a bit nervous, said, “You’re not going to want to have sex with us, are you?”
    Jeffrey laughed out loud. His beer half gone, he said, “No, it’s just a cool view of the sunrise.”
    “Why would we want—”
    Alex nudged his friend.
    The shorter boy, stopping in mid-sentence, looked at Alex.
    And the neighbor kid, he did nothing but shake his head.
    Steve Miller played underneath the quietness. The car cruising toward the lookout point, Jeffrey downed the rest of his bottle. He said, “I’d just think you’d like the view.” Flinging the bottle out the window, Jeffrey floored it.
    Alex, up for anything at this hour, also coming off his buzz, said, “No man. Sounds cool.”
    Looking over at Alex, Jeffrey flashed a smile. Turning up the volume, Jeffrey continued the drive. The ‘Vette’s speed well above the limit.
    The sunrise made Jeffrey happy. Smiling into the giant orange glow rising up the sky, the three boys at heart sat back in their seats, drinking beer, and enjoyed the scenery.
    Each down from his respective marijuana buzz, the trio sat in silence, watching the ball of fire expand into the horizon.
    Alex, taking a swig of his Bud Light, said, “Sorry to hear about your wife.” Swallowing the beer, he said, “That must be tough.”
    The shorter boy, his lips pursed, nodded his head in agreement.
    And Jeffrey, squinting his eyes as the sun’s rays entered into the car from the windshield, said, “I appreciate it.” Raising his beer bottle, inciting a semi-toast, he said, “I’m sorry for giving you and your friends shit that time in the garage.” Alex and the shorter boy raised their bottles. Jeffrey, his hand still in the air in front of him, said, “You guys were just being kids. I had no right.”
    The sun rose higher into the sky. The darkness turning into dawn.
    The three clanked their bottles together, sitting back to watch the sun brighten the atmosphere.
    Jeffrey, leaning back into his seat, said, “Truce?”
    “Truce,” Alex said.


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