Drama Dolls: A Novel: [Dark, Suspenseful, Fast-paced, Exhilarating]

Free Drama Dolls: A Novel: [Dark, Suspenseful, Fast-paced, Exhilarating] by Jason Tanamor

Book: Drama Dolls: A Novel: [Dark, Suspenseful, Fast-paced, Exhilarating] by Jason Tanamor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason Tanamor
    The silence becoming awkward, Alex shrugged. “Cool.” He offered up the pot and the three killed the pipe. For Jeffrey, the night was continuing to be a good one. Without wasting any time, the trio piled into the Corvette. Jeffrey revved the engine, the feeling of man testicles hitting them in the face.
    “Fucking awesome!” the shorter boy said. The windows rolled down, Alex and the shorter boy were sharing a bucket seat. Their arms hanging out the car’s window, the teenagers could not wait to see what the car could do.
    Forcefully stepping down on the gas pedal, the car peeled out of the parking spot. Nearly hitting the curbs along the boulevard, the sports car fishtailed for a half block and then eventually straightened out. The late hour contributed to the streets being empty. Every stretch of straight roads, Jeffrey floored it, reaching high speeds he would have never attained in his Corolla.
    The shorter boy turned on the Bose stereo. The volume, high enough to hear music but low enough to make out words, caused the young potheads to look at Jeffrey.
    Feeling the stares on the side of his neck, Jeffrey turned up the volume. Inside the CD player was a Steve Miller collection. Guitar riffs pushing out of the Bose speakers, the sound filled the inside of the ‘Vette. The joyriders rocked out to the music.
    Jeffrey, one hand on the top of the steering wheel, the other out the window tapping the side of the door, sang along with the track.
    Alex pumped his fist to the beat and the shorter boy played air drums. The Corvette’s speed accelerating, turning corners effortlessly, Jeffrey felt alive and was not obsessing about Her or Emily or even Lena or William.
    Running through a four way stop sign earned their trust. Speeding down weaving sections of road kept them engaged. Taking a right turn at a highway speed forced Alex to extend his arm out the window. His fingers making devil horns, Alex screamed, “Woo!”
    Steve Miller now singing “Take The Money and Run.”
    The shorter kid, he just smiled with his mouth open. The fast motion of the car, the frequent turns, and the fact that he was higher than a kite, they all contributed to him leaning over Alex, stretching his upper body out so that his head could reach out the window, and then hurling out into the atmosphere at ninety five miles per hour.
    Hearing the jerking of the shorter boy’s body go into a full blown seizure of vomiting, Jeffrey sped up, surpassing the one hundred miles per hour mark.
    The shorter boy, in between BOO LAHs and inverted swallows, said, “Slow down!”
    Leaning as close to the middle as possible, away from the window, Alex said, “No! Speed up!”
    And Jeffrey, attempting to not have vomit splattered on the side of his ‘Vette, stepped down on the pedal so hard the ball of his foot began to cramp.
    The warm air entering the car hit each joyrider in the face.
    The shorter boy’s vision became blurry. His head was floating. Eyelids falling down over his eyeballs. Alex, leaning into Jeffrey, watched his buddy judder into a frenzy. Watching the convulsing boy disco centipede in mid-air, Alex couldn’t help but laugh.
    The car slowed down to a highway speed. The car approached a business district.
    The shorter boy’s vomit now a dry heave, with his mouth sticky and his throat dry, he slowly started to feel better. Vision restoring slowly, the shorter boy could identify his surroundings.
    A gas station was in sight. A faint smell of cheeseburgers lingered in the car. Alex’s lips curled downward. He said, “Fucking gross, dude.”
    The shorter boy, swallowing until he built enough saliva, said, “Sorry. That was from this afternoon.”
    Pulling into a parking spot, Jeffrey said, “Who needs beer?”
    Squished into one seat, the shorter boy, his thighs on top of each other, said, “Beer!” Alex just laughed. The post-puker boy, turning to Alex said, “What? My stomach is empty now.”
    “Let me guess,”

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