Magic Resistant

Free Magic Resistant by Veronica Del Rosa

Book: Magic Resistant by Veronica Del Rosa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Del Rosa
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, Magic, demons, Fae
Otherwise he ignored her, acted like she wasn’t even there. Someone
with murder or other nasty thoughts wouldn’t go out of their way to
avoid even touching their intended victim, right?
    Earlier, she’d opened her inner sight,
surreptitiously examining him. Sadly, she wasn’t one of the rare
mages who could hear thoughts. Instead she had to rely on his inner
core and see if evil was at the forefront. It wasn’t a foolproof
test as many things could feature into a person’s capacity for
malevolence. Intentions and premeditated plans as well as enjoyment
for suffering factored in heavily. A serial killer who lived for
the kill would be predominately evil and twisted. A solider
fighting for the greater good and willing to sacrifice himself
    Her stomach growled, reminding her with all
the excitement she hadn’t eaten since yesterday. Wait, that was
wrong. It would’ve been the previous night, before Markus rudely
woke her up for this insane adventure.
    “So, impolite as this is, though not as
impolite as kidnapping me, do you have any food? I’m starving.”
Glancing over at Jackson, she caught a peculiar look on his face,
one she couldn’t read. Perhaps he felt guilty about this situation.
Either way, she was getting food whether he liked it or not. She
was now his responsibility.
    “Yeah, the cupboards and fridge are somewhat
stocked. I didn’t grab a ton of food since I wasn’t expecting to
have company. I’ll do a grocery order online and have it
delivered." He paused and made a face. "I don’t want to take the
chance of leaving this room so soon after Markus finding me.”
    When he went to stand up, Julia waved him
back down. Her foot wasn’t bothering her. A tiny twinge of pain and
nothing more. Resting and elevating it for the past little while
had helped, along with Jackson’s previous healing. “Please, stay
put. I enjoy cooking and I find it relaxing. I’m assuming you
grabbed stuff you like, so whatever I make should be fine with
    “Of course. If it’s not too much trouble... I
mean with your foot and all. I don’t want you to cause any more
damage to it.” He seemed genuinely bothered and she tramped down on
the snappy reply that bubbled to the surface. Her pain wasn’t
completely his fault and, after scouring through the evidence he’d
gathered, she was oddly glad she’d sprained her ankle. If she
hadn’t, she would’ve escaped by now, missing the opportunity of her
    “Actually, another healing on my ankle would
be great.” A part of her balked at asking him for a favour.
Unfortunately, she didn’t have enough concentration to cast a
healing while also forcing her resistance to drop. If he thought it
odd she wanted him to do it, he didn’t say. Instead he gave her a
half-smile and gestured to the bed.
    “Make yourself comfortable and let me know
when you’re ready.” His attention wandered back to the computer.
Settling on the bed, she hiked up her pant leg.
    “I’m ready.” A steady breath, bracing
    Approaching the foot of the bed, he knelt and
laid his hands on her ankle, soft and gentle. Eyes closed, she
tried shutting out his touch and focused on lowering her
resistance. She pictured the brick wall surrounding her, protecting
her, but also hindering beneficial spells. Brick by brick, she
removed it, exposing herself to the healing. Energy washed over
her. The tingle in her ankle worked its way up her body and
engulfed her with warmth. Opening her eyes, she smiled, riding the
wave of pure bliss.
    The heat in his eyes confused her and her
smile faltered. Unsure of what to say, she murmured, “Thank you. It
feels better now.”
    He let go of her ankle, almost reluctant, his
fingers lingering before he made his way back to the table. Her
skin tingled where he touched.
    Due to the magic , she told herself, and not because she yearned for more .
    His back to her, Jackson dived into his
notes, dismissing her. A little peeved he could

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