The Ties That Bind

Free The Ties That Bind by T. Starnes

Book: The Ties That Bind by T. Starnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Starnes
    "Mr. Hollabrand, Vicki has never really said. What do you do?"
    He finished chewing and then answered, "I am a CPA and accountant."
    "Really? If I am being nosy or impolite, then I apologize, but I am surprised. I know that you do very well in your job. I have meet kids before whom have a parent that is a CPA, and I don't believe they did nearly as well."
    He considered for a moment and said, "I work for a private group that pays me very well for my services."
    It was obvious he didn't want to go down this line of questioning, and was being a little evasive, so I let the subject drop. When dinner was over, Vicki's father excused himself and her mother walked with us outside. Vicki had already arranged for her to take us all back home.
    In the car, she looked in the rear view mirror and said, "I know my husband was hard on you kids, but give him time. He'll come around. Your arrangement is taking some getting used to, but I have seen how happy Vicki has been the last few months. I know you two are partly accountable for that, and I want you to know I accept the four of you as you are."
    I was surprised at her attitude, but had to wonder if she was aware of everything we did. Most parents would not be nearly as understanding if they knew we all knew each other in the biblical sense.
    I left this unsaid and just replied, "Thank you."
    When we got home, Tami, Alex and Megan were already there and were helping cook. When she saw us, Tami ran up and gave each of us a hug and a kiss, ending with Vicki.
    "I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you. I really wanted to go."
    Vicki pulled out of the hug and looked into Tami's large green eyes as she said, "It's okay. We missed you, but we knew you wanted to be there. We all know you love us and we love you."
    She then proved this with a fairly passionate kiss. The girls then all headed into the kitchen to help prepare food. I started following them but was intercepted by Vicki.
    "Cas, we have seen you try to cook, and it wasn't pretty! Go sit in the living room. We'll call you when it's ready."
    I went and sat in the big recliner, but didn't turn on the TV. I started to run through events with Vicki's family, but I wasn't worrying, as I might normally have done. Considering everything, her Dad's response to our relationship wasn't that unusual ... but I was thinking about his answer, when I asked what he did. Based on everything I knew about their income, and what he said his job was, it didn't match up to what I knew about CPAs. Admittedly, what I knew about CPAs was limited. I could be reading everything really wrong, but it still made me wonder what was up.
    I was pulled out of my thoughts, when Tami came in and curled up in my lap. I started running my fingers through her hair and she started making purring noises and pressed against me harder.
    "Everything okay?"
    "Yeah. I am just worried about my parents. At some point, they are going to figure things out about our relationship. It will be very bad."
    "You know, we haven't ever really talked about your family. I know Vicki and Zoe know you really well, and know your family, but you and I haven't ever discussed it."
    She turned her head so she could look up at me, "Yeah, I know we haven't. To be honest, that was kind of on purpose."
    "Because it's hard to explain, and I really don't like to think about it."
    "Tell me about them."
    She was silent for a little while, collecting her thoughts. "I guess it boils down to the fact that my parents are religious."
    "Okay, but that doesn't explain the comment that they wouldn't like you dating anyone. Religious people date."
    "From normal religions, yes that is true. Man, I never know how to say this without it sounding bad."
    "Just say it; I will love you no matter what."
    She signed, "It's kind of a cult."
    I didn't see that coming.
    "See?" she said.
    "Sorry, you're right. Go on, tell me about them."
    "Growing up, it all seemed so normal; but looking back, I know it

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