The Landfall Campaign (The Nameless War)

Free The Landfall Campaign (The Nameless War) by Edmond Barrett

Book: The Landfall Campaign (The Nameless War) by Edmond Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Edmond Barrett
Understood, Commander. Captain Gillum, put the connection through to the conference room. We all need to hear this. ”
    The Representatives had done as he asked and stayed close to their communications suites. All sixteen holograms flickered into life as Eulenburg and Reynolds sat down. In the centre of the conference table, an extra hologram came showing a person in a Captain ’ s survival suit. When she raised the suit visor, the woman inside looked both shocked and exhausted.
    “ This is Captain Valerie Singer of the Valkyrie . Are you receiving me Douglas Base? ” she said.
    “ Confirmed Valkyrie . We are receiving. ”
    Singer looked over at someone on her bridge out of view.
    “ I’m only getting your audio signal, likely damage at this end, ” she said.
    “ In that case, be advised, you are speaking to Commander Ground Base Douglas and colonial representatives, ” Eulenburg replied. “ Apprise us of the situation Captain. ”
    There was a pause as the signal travelled to the cruiser.
    “ The situation, sir, is that we just got hammered. A fleet of Nameless ships made real space re-entry inside Baden’s mass shadow. There was no communication before they opened fire. ”
    “ What! ” Eulenburg exclaimed. “ Valkyrie , repeat that, they appeared inside the mass shadow? That’s impossible! ”
    “ Two hours ago, sir, I would have agreed with you, but we just got the snot slapped out of us by people who did just that, ” she replied in an uncompromising tone.
    “ My god, ” he murmured, but the Captain hadn’t finished speaking.
    “ Sir, Baden’s FTL transmitter was destroyed without them getting that information away. I need you to forward that information to Headquarters. ”
    Eulenburg was filled with admiration for Captain Singer. Her ship battered, orders in hand to run for her life and yet, she’d detoured to Landfall to put out the warning. He was about to say they would, then memory kicked in and he groaned. A scheduled overhaul of the system, had started just two days previously, just long enough for the transmitter to now be in pieces.
    “ That ’ s a negative Valkyrie . Our FTL transmitter is down for major maintenance. We’ll put the information onto a courier but that’s as fast as we can achieve. ”
    Captain Singer’s expression became even grimmer.
    “ Understood Douglas Base, we’re downloading our logs now. ”
    “ Once your done Captain, get your ship away. Our fighters will cover you to the Red Line. ”
    “ Thank you sir. ”
    “ Hold on a moment, ” Reynolds objected. “ You’re sending them away? That ship needs to stay here and defend the surface of the planet! ”
    “ No it doesn’t, ” Eulenburg replied before redirecting his attention back to Captain Singer. “ Captain, get back to Earth as fast as you can. Good luck. ”
    “ Admiral, I must insist that ship remain. The security of these colonies n …”
    Eulenburg brought the flat of his hand down hard on the desk.
    “ This is not open to debate! I am allowing you all to listen to this as a courtesy. You have no operational authority over any Battle Fleet ship or installation. Captain Gillum, have we received the download from Valkyrie ? ”
    “ Yes Admiral, ” Gillum called into the suite.
    “ Captain Singer, stay safe. Ground Base Douglas out. ”
    Eulenburg was out of his seat before the hologram of Singer disappeared. The Representatives were left speaking among themselves.
    Reynolds caught up with Eulenburg back inside the main chamber of Four C. On the main holo the dot representing Valkyrie had changed course and was now moving away from the planet with the base’s fighters formed up behind. Eulenburg was speaking to Captain Gillum.
    “ Singer was right sir. There was no warning and they definitely jumped in. It wasn’t some kind of super stealth, ” the staff captain was saying. Reynolds reached them and started to speak, but the Admiral held up a premonitory finger.
    “ What

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