Love in the Time of the Dead

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Book: Love in the Time of the Dead by Tera Shanley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tera Shanley
who lived here had already started building the wall around the entire property. Not sure whether it was to keep outsiders out or members in, but it gave us a good foundation, not to mention a lot of the gathered materials to build the first wall. We worked constantly to get it built, but we still lost many in the first days of this colony. After we finished the first wall we were safe to build the interior gates in time. Without the gate having been started, we would have lost many more. Excuse me, I’m going to go check on Mona.”
    Sean disappeared into one of the bedrooms, and Mona and Adrianna both followed him back out.
    Laney breathed out of her mouth, but she could almost taste the rotting smell of death. How would she ever be able to stomach dinner with such a strong, lingering aroma of Deads that seemed to be absorbed into everything in the colony?
    Mona greeted her, and Adrianna waved shyly before she took a seat directly across the table.
    “Dinner is on the plates and all ready to go. I’ll be back later,” Mona informed them, pulling on a jacket.
    Laney’s stomach flip flopped uncomfortably. “You aren’t staying?”
    “No, dear. I’ve been watching Adrianna for Sean while he was on a supply run, but tonight is my night to myself. Some of my friends have invited me to a ladies’ dinner.”
    “Thanks for cooking again, Mona. We’ll see you later tonight. Don’t get too crazy on the moonshine though, huh?” Sean said with a wink.
    “Scoundrel.” Mona laughed as she waved goodbye and headed for the stairs.
    “I’ll grab the plates,” Laney offered, only to be waved back down by Sean.
    She watched him as he gathered their dinner in the adjoining kitchen. He wore the same black T-shirt he had on earlier but had changed into more comfortable-looking dark gray cargo pants. He had removed his weapons. Was it because he was in for the night or because he always removed them when he was around his little girl?
    He was statuesque and fit, and the musculature of his back showed easily through the thin cotton shirt as he worked. She needed to get a grip, and fast. He could be harboring Deads in his own colony for all she knew.
    Sean brought a plate and drink out and handed it to Finn. “You’re welcome to join us. It’s the least I can do for strapping you to this one all day.”
    “Aw, she’s not so bad.”
    “Please, she has the demeanor of a deranged grizzly bear,” Sean quipped.
    “I can hear you, you know,” she gritted.
    “I wouldn’t turn down a plate of Mona’s lasagna, but do you mind if I eat at the kitchen table?” Finn asked, ignoring her.
    “Whatever you want.” Sean grinned and turned to her. “One day with you and he’s already wanting to eat alone.”
    She rolled her eyes and padded into the kitchen to retrieve her own plate and water. One look at a fidgeting Adrianna had her setting the food in front of the child and heading back to the kitchen again. Sean didn’t say anything when he came in with food for his daughter, who was already digging in. He just sat at the head of the table and went to work on the plate in his hands.
    “Slow down, little bear,” he said after a minute of watching his daughter eat with a concerned furrow between his brows. “Here, let me cut it up for you.”
    Mona had made lasagna with thick garlic bread and fresh green beans. The lasagna was made with goat cheese and had a much different taste than the kind Mom used to make, but it was easily the best food Laney had tasted in months. If she could completely ignore the stench of Deads, she might have been able to enjoy it more. As it was, she was only able to get a few bites in her before she felt queasy and started pushing food around her plate.
    His eyebrows shot up. “What, the food isn’t good enough for you?”
    “No, it’s not that.” She really should’ve tried to eat more out of politeness. Her stomach did another flip flop.
    “You one of those girls that doesn’t eat? Is that

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