The Desolate Mountains (The Divine Elements Book 2)

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Book: The Desolate Mountains (The Divine Elements Book 2) by Daman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daman
shone with excitement.
    His heart still thumped against his chest with fear, but a sense of thrill and adrenaline slowly overtook his mind.
    “That’s the spirit!”
    The Voice laughingly shouted in the wind as it rapidly trailed behind Calron.
    A bolt of lightning suddenly struck the ground a few inches away from the speeding Calron.
    Without stopping, Calron quickly turned his body into the crimson mist as his instincts kicked in. Reappearing a few feet ahead, Calron glanced back to see the aftermath of the lightning strike in the place he was just a second ago.
    “This is going to be fun… ”
    Calron breathlessly whispered to himself as he triggered the Divine Perception and continued to dart around the land, as his eyes started glowing an unnatural grey.
    Detecting the lightning essence in the air, Calron tried to predict where the next bolt would strike and dodge before it collided against him.
    “Hey kid, the whole purpose of coming here was for you to absorb the lightning, so why are you dodging them?”
    The Voice inquired in an amused tone.
    “Huh? Wait, you still haven’t told me how to activate the third stage of the thunder-bird technique!”
    Calron heatedly bellowed out while continuing to evade the bolts of lightning around him.
    “It’s easy… just reawaken your beast bloodline!”
    The Voice nonchalantly replied while quickly rushing back into its student’s body.
    The Voice had been anxious about how Calron would react when it revealed that, in order to use the third stage, he would have to forcefully awaken his beast heritage, which would momentarily allow him to have the body of a beast.
    Unknown to Calron, the Thunder-Bird technique was created for young beasts of the bird family to completely awaken their bloodline and inherit the memories of their ancestors.
    Any human or beast could practice the first two stages of this technique, but someone with a beast bloodline could only master the final stage.
    “Please tell me you’re joking… Teacher!”
    Calron furiously shouted out into the air, while also mentally nudging the Voice inside his mind.
    His Teacher remained silent.
    “Chief, what is that human doing?”
    One of the bears in the back quietly asked the massive red bear in the front of the group.
    “Something is strange about this human… He seems… familiar?”
    The red bear mused to itself while continuing to observe the spectacle in front of it.
    “Hey, what is the chief talking about?”
    A skinny grey bear whispered into the ear of its friend.
    “I don’t know, maybe he is still dreaming. I knew we should not have woken him up. Chief already has frequent mood swings, who knows what he’ll tell us to do next.”
    The other bear quietly whispered back while scratching its ear.
    “I will pound that little Karn into a pulp when we return back to the cave! I could be taking my own nap right now… ”
    The grey bear bitterly sighed.
    “Shut up, you bunch of idiots! Can’t you see that the Chief is thinking of a master plan to kill that human? Don’t disturb him!”
    Lort angrily shushed down the others, and then turned to look at the red bear with an admiring gaze.
    The Chief had one day found him alone in the distant mountain, and he had taken him under his guidance and taught his own cultivation secrets to him.
    The Chief was a variant beast within the bear species known as the Molten Fanged Bear. This name was due to their unique ivory fangs situated in their upper jaw and their inherent ability to turn their fire essence into molten lava.
    The Chief was actually a beast within the Vajra stage and the undisputed ruler of this mountain!
    I should have slept for a bit more… my skin is starting get drier these days… maybe I should tell Van to get me some of those herbs from the next mountain. I hear they do wonders for

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