The Desolate Mountains (The Divine Elements Book 2)

Free The Desolate Mountains (The Divine Elements Book 2) by Daman

Book: The Desolate Mountains (The Divine Elements Book 2) by Daman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daman
our territory.”
    The enormous figure slowly grated out his words.
    “I was there, Chief. But then I saw a human enter into our territory!”
    The young bear quickly stated with a trace of excitement hidden within his voice.
    “Humans… it’s been awhile since the last of them entered this deep into the Desolate Mountains… ”
    The colossal shadow whispered to himself while slowly rising up from the ground.
    Akin to a small mountain, the gigantic figure calmly stepped out from the shadows, to reveal an enormous red bear with long ivory fangs.
    Continuing to prowl past the gathered bears, the Chief slowly turned his head as he gazed at them from the corner of his eye.
    “What are you waiting for? Come, it is time to hunt!”
    —After several hours—
    “Teacher… ”
    Calron silently whispered as he dumbfoundedly gazed at the scene in front of him.
    *Rumble*     *Rumble*
    Flashes of lightning from above came crashing down to the ground with a ferocious intensity. The dark thunderclouds stretched for countless miles as they emitted an aura of violence and death.
    The booming sound of thunder echoed within Calron’s ears and shook his very soul.
    “Haha, we’re finally here!”
    The Voice loudly exclaimed.

Chapter 13 – The First Strike
    A large tree instantly split open right in the center and crashed onto the ground with its bark charred black.
    Thick bolts of lightning continued to viciously attack the earth as they burned and destroyed everything in its path.
    The sky was dark and ominous, with the grey-black clouds looming above and suffocating the very air around it. The rumbling sound of thunder echoed out within the vast, forsaken land while flashes of lightning burst through the dark sky.
    Standing on top of a cliff was a bare-chested youth who wore a loincloth made of fur.
    Gazing at the violent scenery in front of him, Calron turned to his Teacher, who had materialized next to him, and conveyed his nervousness through their shared mind.
    “Sigh… this is it, Calron. There will be no going back once you step into the thunderstorm in front of you. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to protect you, so everything will be on your shoulders. Are you ready?”
    The Voice questioned its student in a serious tone.
    It knew that once they entered the vicinity of the thunderstorm, it would be all up to Calron to remain alive. Unbeknownst to Calron, there was still a piece of information that the Voice had not yet revealed to him.
    “I want to confidently say that I’m ready, but I still feel afraid, Teacher… ”
    Calron quietly muttered as his heart loudly pounded against his chest.
    “Haha, it’s fine to feel afraid, but will you let it stop you from fulfilling your desires?”
    The Voice inquired as it glided in front of its student, coming face to face with Calron.
    Staring into the dark abyss of his Teacher’s smoky eyes, Calron mustered up the will to overcome his fear.
    “If I die, then you’ll have to tell the little jaguar cub about me.”
    Calron joked, as he attempted to lighten the mood.
    He had no choice but to step forward. Without even advancing to the Vajra stage, how could be hope to avenge his family and stop running away from powerful people?
    Raising his head towards the dark and gloomy sky, a slight smile escaped from Calron’s face.
    “Let’s see how your lightning compares to mine!”
    Calron yelled out to the heavens, as he suddenly charged down the cliff while simultaneously activating the Blood Mist Step.
    His control over the Blood Mist Step had reached a point where he was able to freely burst his entire body into a crimson mist and instantly reappear several yards away.
    Racing down the vertical cliff, Calron’s hair fluttered in the wind as his eyes

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