Let's Play Ball
his son. He had never
even showed up to one of his Trey’s practices or baseball games.
All I knew about Trey’s father was he used to work with Kari. He
wasn’t married and he was bi-polar with a minimal criminal past. Oh
and the most important thing of course. He’s black. From what I
could tell he was absolutely no competition for me.
    After twenty minutes Kari came in with
a beer in hand. She sat it down on the desk and quietly left me to
my calculations. After ten more minutes I was done. I decided to
give her a spending allowance of fifteen hundred dollars a month. I
would just give her one of my company credit cards to pay her
bills. I handle my own books so there would be no paper
    I returned to the bedroom where she was
patiently waiting. I explained the arrangement and put the Visa
card on top of the armoire. If money was all it took to reassure me
that she was mine and mine alone, I couldn’t dispute that. Besides
it was a wonder how she even made ends meet on her salary. But I
guess she didn’t really live an extravagant lifestyle.
    I turned the TV off. I wanted to get a
taste of what I was paying for. “Hey can I get a fifteen hundred
dollar blow job.”
    Kari jumped off the bed and came
charging toward me. She pushed me hard. She tried to tackle me. I
stumbled back over a brown wicker clothes hamper. She didn’t have
enough strength to knock me off my feet.
    “ Fuck you!” She yelled
through flared nostrils.
    I recovered quickly and grabbed ahold
of her flailing arms and wrists. “I’m just fucking joking. Would
you please calm down?”
    “ You calm the fuck down!”
She raged against the machine that was me. Kari had no idea that
her cursing at me turned me on. Every fuck out of her mouth sent my
cock into attention, about face mode.
    “ You meant that shit. You’re
an asshole.” Her eyes narrowed.
    “ No Kari I didn’t mean that.
I was joking but now I want you to take me serious. I care about
you. I give a shit.”
    “ I don’t think saying
bullshit like that means you give a shit.”
    “ It was a fucking joke.
Don’t freak out. You know I care about you.”
    “ How do I know
    “ Don’t play stupid. I’m
here. I want you to be all mines. I want you to be happy. You’re my
princess.” She was my beautiful black princess and she was my dirty
little slut too but I will keep that little observation to
    “ Mason, you’re messing with
my head.”
    “ I’m being honest. I want an
exclusive contract, no free agents. Tell me, are you all
    “ Yes. I’m all yours.” She
beamed and I believed her but I needed more. I was going out on a
limb. I had the most to lose from this arrangement.
    “ Swear it. Swear that you
are all mines.”
    “ I swear on a stack of
    “ You don’t have a stack of
Bibles.” I stated the obvious.
    “ Seriously?”
    “ Well you just can’t say you
swear on a stack of Bibles without a stack of Bibles. Then it’s
just bullshit. I don’t trust you.”
    “ Mason.” She
    “ Don’t Mason me.”
    “ Fine, psycho. Can I swear
on one Bible?”
    “ Yeah but I doubt a harlot
like you owns a Bible.”
    Kari leapt from the bed and pranced
over to the armoire. She reached on top and came back to me holding
a Kindle Fire eReader device. Was she serious? She placed her right
hand on the Kindle.
    “ I swear on the Bible that I
am all yours.” She flashed a mischievous smirk.
    “ That’s not a Bible, that’s
a Kindle.”
    “ No shit Sherlock. My Kindle
has books in it. Hello, I have the Bible in my Kindle.”
    Did she really just sass me? “Show me.”
I was calling her bluff.
    “ Mason seriously?” She
    I expectantly reached behind her and
swatted her on her ass with my open hand real hard. Kari gasped.
Her eyes almost flew out their sockets. “Show me now.” I firmly
    “ Did you just hit
    “ Come on Kari. I’m wearing a
belt. Don’t make me spank you. I wanted to bend you

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