Let's Play Ball
over my knee
when I saw you with Jack.” I paused for a moment and the rest came
out in a weird monotone. “Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me
when I’m angry.” Did I just Bill Bixby David Bruce Banner
    Kari frowned. She searched my eyes to
see if I was serious. I had nothing. My face stood flat and
emotionless. I wasn’t sure if I was horsing around or serious
myself. Would I really take off my belt and hit her with it? When
it comes to Kari, I’m not sure what I’m capable of.
    After a brief pause Kari turned the
Kindle Fire on and tapped the screen a few times. I had momentarily
zoned out, overanalyzing the threat I just served her. Maybe I am a
    Kari glowered down at me sitting on the
edge of the bed. She didn’t seem too afraid of my threat as she was
cutting her eyes at me. She placed the Kindle below my face. “See,
the Holy Bible, the English Standard Version, the Old Testament and
the New Testament.” She placed her hand to cover the screen and
lowered to her knees to regard me carefully.
    She stared up in my eyes. “Mason, I’m
all yours. You never have to worry about me and any other man. You
are the only man I want, the only one I need. You are the only man
for me. I am madly in love with you.”
    What? I watched in awe as her eyes
burned into me yet again. If this would have been any other woman
the ‘L’ word would have sent me running for the hills. But it was
Kari and that was exactly what I needed to hear. I needed to know
she loved me. It was like a weight was lifted from my chest. Now I
could breathe. I had conquered her body. I had toyed with her mind.
But what I really craved was her love. It’s unanimous I’m a

    I knew what I was doing was wrong but
it had no intention of stopping. I felt I was performing my duties
as a father and a husband. My relationship with Kari was not
interfering with my home life. Kari didn’t ask for anything more
than I could give. She didn’t ask for more time, more money or more
commitment. She was perfect; the perfect mistress if there was ever
such a thing. I trusted her. I knew she would never betray me or
worst tell my wife. Every now and then she would have a temper
tantrum about some random minor thing but it was nothing I couldn’t
    The little league baseball season was
coming to a close. We had made it into the championships so there
would only be a few games left. I planned to continue with Kari
even after baseball was over. I could never let the feelings I
formed for her go. Never.
    My brother Mike invited me out to a
local bar. I had blown him off so many times because I was seeing
Kari. Tonight I decided to hang out with him. I met him at
Tailgaters around 9:30.
    He was there when I arrived. He was
boozing it up at the bar. He small talked me for a while. Mike had
something to say and it was taking him forever to spit it out. I
knew my little brother well.
    “ I went by moms yesterday
and she was complaining that you never come over to
    “ Did you tell her I’m busy
running a business, that I’m still coaching baseball and that I see
her at the games when she comes.”
    “ No, I didn’t say
    “ Yeah I’m sure you agreed
with her and threw me under the bus.”
    “ No.” He was lying. Mike was
a suck up who still claims that our mother favors me over him and
our older sister Karen.
    “ Hey Mason, you know Tess
has been talking to my wife.”
    “ About what?” Melissa, my
brother’s wife is a busy body.
    “ Tess thinks you guys are
having marital problems.”
    “ Problems? No problems.” I
shrugged. What was he getting at?
    “ Tess told my wife and she
told me.”
    “ Told you what?” Spill it
    “ Tess thinks you’re having
an affair.” Mike just blurted it out.
    “ What?” Shit! I didn’t
expect that to come from his mouth.
    Mike took a swig from his beer bottle.
“Tess says you have been going out a

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