Sixty Days

Free Sixty Days by Zoe Glez

Book: Sixty Days by Zoe Glez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoe Glez
we can make-up having dates.”
    “ I don’t know how I’m going to pull this off. I feel like I’m going to blurt something out and ruin everything.”
    “So , that’s the reason you’ve been quiet.”
    “I’m just afraid I’m going to say the wrong thing. It’s like they would wonder how the hell I know you so damn well for someone who hasn’t seen you in like eight years.”
    “I think it just looks like you can’t stand me. Trying to stay away from me, being awkward and short in conversation; the kind of things you do when you just want someone to go away.” I shrug, laughing. “Especially to Mary. She’s trying to sink her claws in.”
    “Well you more than anyone know that’s not true. As for the rest of them, fuck them .” He gazes into my eyes, a pensive look taking over his face. “Don’t worry about Mary, she doesn’t stand a chance.” He smiles.
    “I don’t. I won’t. It’s just annoying seeing her all over you like that. I mean can’t the girl take a hint?”
    “I get it. It’s j ust like my brother with you.” He grins.
    “Oh my God! What’s up with that ?”
    “ Want me to fight him for your honor?” he ask, jokingly. I can’t help but laugh. “Have I told you how hot you look tonight?”
    “You haven’t , but the expression on your face as soon as you saw me has. Thank you, by the way. You don’t look too bad yourself.”
    Mickey caresses his legs with mine, causing a rush of electricity to course through my body. I want him next to me. I want his lips kissing mine. I just want him, only him.
    Chino and Mary are still on the dance floor and it appears that they’ve found different partners. Mario is at the bar in full conversation with the blonde and Kevin, well I don’t know where he is. I look around the club, trying to spot him.
    “Oh God!” Mickey exclaims , suddenly interrupting my search. “What an idiot.” I look to where he’s looking and notice that a fight has just broke out. There’s a bunch of guys in the fight pit and it’s then that I realize that my brother is one of the guys fighting. “Fuck!” Mickey exclaims as he sees one of them punch my brother.
    Fuck, indeed.

    Chapter Four
    ey! Get off of from him,” Mickey yells to the guys fighting my brother as he tries to stop the fight. Seriously, I don’t know what the hell Kevin is thinking fighting these idiots. Even worse, fighting these idiots alone. Out of nowhere one of the guys sucker punches Mickey, grabs him, and throws him to the floor. “Get away, Laylah. Go!” he yells over to me as soon as he sees me get closer to them. A part of me just wants to help him, both of them. I want to save them.
    Micke y gets up and returns the punch to the douche bag who hit him. I don’t know why, but my brother does nothing to defend himself. It’s like someone has him tied up.  No one is stopping him, yet he does nothing. Mickey is taking on the four idiots by himself. After a few minutes, the entire club is aware of the situation. In that exact moment, Chino comes over and helps Mickey.
    I see Kevin on the floor and head over to him. He seems to be in pretty bad shape. When I look up by my side, I notice Mary also heading toward him. Taking advantage of the fact that Kevin has crawled away from the fight, we manage to get him up into a standing position. His mouth and nose are covered in blood and there’s a pretty big possibility that he’ll have a black eye by tomorrow. To be honest, I don’t know how the hell I can help him. Even more, why the hell he didn’t defend himself? It’s official, my brother’s an idiot.
    Security eventually comes over and stops the fight. By that point, no one even knows what they were fighting about and Kev won’t talk about it. Somehow, we are the ones who end up getting kicked

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