Love Bear Nun

Free Love Bear Nun by Ava Hunt

Book: Love Bear Nun by Ava Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Hunt
afterwards. He could feel a bit of anger start to rise in him. Stacy didn't need people like that.
                  Apparently standing up to the man was enough to get him to quiet right down. Henson did his best to keep a scowl off his face and let go of the anger. He stood there for a moment while Stacy finished up her paperwork but over the counter he could see into Jacinda’s office. She looked over at him and his stomach knotted up with nervousness.
                  “So what were you doing down that way earlier?” Henson asked Stacy, looking down at her as he started to think maybe Jacinda had sent her to watch after him. He had been getting the feeling he was being watched even before the store. “I’ve never ran into you down there before.”
                  “Well I’m here from eight to five every day, so it’s pretty rare to catch me anywhere else.” Stacy said with a laugh that hid a bit of misery.
                  “Mr. Phillips.” Jacinda said as her last patient walked out.
                  “That’s my cue.” Henson said, nodding a farewell to Stacy before he walked off into Jacinda’s office with a smile on his face, as forced as it was.
                  “Well, you look like you’re in a better mood.” Jacinda said in a chipper tone.
                  “Uh, yeah.” Henson said, wondering if he should even tell Jacinda that he was faking being in a better mood. He knew he was trying to trick himself into just becoming that way but still hoped that it would work.
                  “So, I wanted to ask you about some stuff because it’s blacked out in your files.” Jacinda said. With the mention of his files, flashbacks of stacking bodies flooded Henson’s head but it only made him blink slowly and sigh a little. “What unit were you with when you were in the military?”
                  “It’s classified.” Henson responded instinctively before he lit up a cigarette just knowing that Jacinda was going to pry on it.
                  “Henson, c’mon, it’s me. I kind of need to know that information to help understand you and what you’re going through.” Jacinda replied, tilting her head to the side. Henson noticed that she was wearing a near turtle-neck shirt and showed absolutely no cleavage. “I wasn’t even Phillips to get the information from Dr. Jones and it’s kinda pissing me off.”
                  “Irritating isn’t it? Having that one thing you want but just can’t have it with just a single person standing between you and it?” Henson replied, realizing their positions were nearly identical. He grinned playfully at her, knowing that it was bugging her just as bad as wanting a normal life was bugging him and just took a drag off of his cigarette, enjoying every moment.
                  “I’m not the one the lack of information hurts Henson.” Jacinda said in a little more of a stern voice than before. Henson sighed, rubbed his face anxiously and took a drag off of his cigarette.
                  “I was part of a covert operation unit. That’s why everything is blacked out. I mean, that much is obvious right?” Henson said sarcastically, trying to make himself laugh even though he was frustrated and was getting more irritated the more flashbacks of his covert ops days flooded his head; he began twitching and tensed up before he put his cigarette out but then relit it. “Remember when I told you about me stacking bodies? Well that was when I was in that unit. The same goes for when I took down that village myself… ugh… Sarge said he wanted to see what I was capable of… I… I… I did too, but at the time I was in a mindset that these people were our enemies. Hell, most of them had openly attacked fellow soldiers of ours during the

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