The Young Vampire Mate: The Airendell Chronicler Diaries - Book 1.5

Free The Young Vampire Mate: The Airendell Chronicler Diaries - Book 1.5 by Audra Hart

Book: The Young Vampire Mate: The Airendell Chronicler Diaries - Book 1.5 by Audra Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Hart
me.  She took a huge risk when she told me she knew I wasn’t an ordinary human being.  She still doesn’t know exactly what I am ten years later, but she knows I am a so called Immortal and that I am magic.  It comes in handy having a helper around who isn’t too surprised when something that defies explanation happens.  She never asks a bunch a questions that I am unable to explain.  It’s basically an unwritten rule that Immortals remain a secret from mortal humans.  She just loves me as her friend and accepts that I am very different from her.
    My attention is drawn back to Morna when I realize that Luca has brought some girl back with him from dropping off Damian’s little sister, Mackenzie, at the halfway house for safekeeping.  The new girl’s name is Samantha and she’s a lovely little thing, but very promiscuous from the memories that are going through Morna’s mind.  But as I listen to their conversation as they drive out to meet up with the Elves again I am startled to realize that she is a seer, and undoubtedly she is Morna’s personal seer.  All down through history the most powerful Spell Weavers of the First Order have had personal seers, often more than one.  This only confirms my belief that Morna is destined to take over the leadership our Guild.
    By this point the pain I feeling from Morna is practically paralyzing me.  Her head throbs unmercifully and her mouth has this foul taste in it that makes me want to vomit from experiencing it through our connection.  Empathy for my sister nearly drowns me.  This really sucks!  How is my sister coping with all of this?  My admiration for my little sister swells along with my love and empathy for her situation.
    The meeting with the Elves brings some joyous news to my sister, well for all of us.  Her children are alive!  Morna’s joy is so sweet to experience.  She loves her children so much it nearly overwhelms me.  But on the other hand the meeting fills me with dread.  Morna has to regain her memories and her power in a very short time.  The Elves are convinced that Magdrid is behind Luca being attacked by the ancient vampire almost six hundred years ago and the subsequent curse by the witch on their lives.  I have suspected our mother of evil intentions for centuries, but hearing it confirmed by these Elves is very unsettling.  Part of me wonders, again, how much we can trust these Elves.  But I am grateful to them for news about my nephews and niece.  I am also relieved that Ari did something to lessen the physical pain Morna had been enduring.
    The younger elf finally told Morna how to break to connection and I only have only my own thoughts and sight rattling around in my head.  I am about to call Jenny to take me to Louis Armstrong International Airport to catch my flight to Chicago when I sense that I am not alone in my home.  I cautiously make my way to living room and I am shocked to see the Elvish envoys standing there.  “Breena, so good to see you again,” Almeda says softly.  I nod respectfully to them and then ask why they are in my home.
    Ari looks embarrassed when he says, “I could sense your uncertainty about whether or not you can trust us when you were connected to Morna.  We wanted to come reassure that the Light Elves have the best interests of your Guild at heart.”
    “I am sure the Light Elves do… however, you not fully a light Elf are you, Ari?”
    Almeda and Ari smile indulgently.  Shit!  I always hate it when they act so damned condescending.  I feel a gentle probe at my mind and quickly weave a modified iron-lion spell.  This one not only makes my body stronger and faster, it protects my mind from telepaths and mind manipulators.  Stay the hell out of my head!
    Ari smiles, “You are strong, young one.  That is good, Morna will need you to be very strong.  I am convinced that Magdrid and Kyera is not the only enemy your Clan faces.  Someone else is behind all of this, pulling

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