
Free Worldmaking by David Milne

Book: Worldmaking by David Milne Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Milne
Anglo-Saxon culture of; anticommunism in; atomic bomb developed by; capitalist system of; defense spending of; democratic system of; economy of; European relations of; foreign aid of; foreign trade of; free speech in; gross domestic and gross national product (GDP and GNP) of; hydrogen bomb developed by; isolationism in; military preparedness movement in; missile defense systems of; national security of; neutrality of; nuclear weapons of; Soviet relations with; treaty obligations of; unemployment rate in; in World War I; in World War II
    United States Strategic Bombing Survey (USSBS)
    U.S. embassy bombings (Kenya, Tanzania) (1998)
    U.S. Foreign Policy: Shield of the Republic (Lippmann)
    U.S. War Aims (Lippmann)
    Vance, Cyrus
    Vandenberg, Arthur
    Veblen, Thorstein
    Versailles, Treaty of
    Victoria, queen of Britain
    â€œViet Nam Negotiations, The” (Kissinger)
    Vietnam War
    Wałeşa, Lech
    Wallace, George
    Wallace, Henry
    Wallas, Graham
    Wall Street Journal
    War Department, U.S.
    War of 1812
    war on terror
    Warsaw Pact countries
    Washington, George
    Washington Post
    Watergate scandal
    weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)
    Welles, Sumner
    Wells, H. G.
    Westad, Odd Arne
    Westmoreland, William
    West Pakistan
    White, William A.
    White House Years, The (Kissinger)
    Wilhelm II, emperor of Germany
    Willkie, Wendell
    Wilson, Ellen Axson
    Wilson, Joseph
    Wilson, Woodrow; as academic and intellectual; congressional relations of; declaration of war by; as Democratic leader; diplomacy of; election of (1912); election of (1916); foreign policy of; Fourteen Points of; idealism of; internationalism of; Kennan’s views on; Kissinger’s views on; League of Nations proposed by; Mexican policy of; military strategy of; neutrality policy of; at Paris Peace Conference (1919); peace proposals of; “peace without victory” speech of; as political scientist; popular support for; as Princeton University president; as progressive; Republican opposition to; “safe for democracy” quote of; speeches of; State of the Union addresses of; T. Roosevelt’s criticism of; wartime dissent suppressed by; Wolfowitz and policies of; World War I policies of
    Wohlstetter, Albert
    Wolfowitz, Jacob
    Wolfowitz, Lillian Dundes
    Wolfowitz, Paul; as adviser; in Carter administration; CIA as viewed by; Cold War as viewed by; as conservative; in Ford administration; in G.H.W. Bush administration; Gulf War supported by; in G. W. Bush administration; ideology of; Iraq policies of; Iraq War supported by; Jewish background of; Kissinger compared with; Middle East policies of; Nitze compared with; in Nixon administration; Obama’s policies and; Persian Gulf as viewed by; as policy planning director (PPS); in Reagan administration; regime change supported by; Saddam Hussein as viewed by; State Department as viewed by; war on terror and; weapons of mass destruction as viewed by; Wilsonianism of
    â€œWorld Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace, 1812–1822, A” (Kissinger)
    World Trade Center bombing (1993)
    World War I
    World War II
    Yale University
    Yalta Conference (1945)
    Yeltsin, Boris
    Yom Kippur War
    Zakaria, Fareed
    Zakheim, Dov
    Zapata, Emiliano
    Zelikow, Philip D.
    Zero Dark Thirty
    Zhou Enlai
    Zhukov, Georgii
    Zimmermann, Arthur
    Zimmermann, Warren
    Zimmermann Telegram
    Zumwalt, Elmo, Jr.

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    Farrar, Straus and Giroux
    18 West 18th Street, New York 10011
    Copyright © 2015 by David Milne
    All rights reserved
    First edition, 2015
    Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint an excerpt from Nixon in China , by John

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