Gone (Sons of Judah MC Book 1)

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Book: Gone (Sons of Judah MC Book 1) by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Thomas
    He took off his jeans and boxers. His cock, long and hard, jutted out, and before he had a chance to formulate a thought in his head, she held it in her hands. At the slight touch of her fingers, he moaned out loud. What she did to him was incredible. There was no way he could ever resist this woman. Her fingers rubbed and fondled his blood-engorged organ while her gaze remained fixed on her. She kissed him once more, and her tongue was hot, demanding.
    Suddenly, she dropped down on her knees. Marco panted, his fingers spearing through her mass of silky hair while she brushed her tongue over his hot cock. The ocean of sensations that careened through him was stormy, turbulent.
    He didn’t want her to stop.
    He wanted to lie her down and pound into her until she screamed under him.
    Marco allowed her to claim his organ. She rubbed her tongue over the tip of it and then took it inside her mouth. When he throbbed inside her, Marco gripped her shoulder. Her fingers squeezed his balls, and he felt the breathless need that consumed him. It burned inside him, so hot and bright that it was impossible for him to focus on anything else. Gently, she moved him out of her mouth, and before he could as much as blink, she took him deep into her throat once more.  The rhythm she set was hard and fast. Marco was a prisoner of the desire that overwhelmed him. She knew exactly what she was doing, and for the life of him, he didn’t have the energy or the will to stop her. Her tongue was so hot, so skilled, that he could merely move along at the speed she dictated. When he exploded in her mouth, she drank every drop of his semen. Marco shuddered and moaned, his cock pulsating within her mouth.
    Finally, she moved away and then stood.
    He simply couldn’t stand anymore. Marco collapsed on the bed. “Oh my God!”
    “Don’t use the Lord’s name in vain,” she said in a prim voice. “ He had nothing to do with it.”
    “You’re a demon from hell who has been sent to torture me,” he claimed. Marco held her hand and tugged her down. She collapsed next to him. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. The feel of her body next to his was just sublime. It felt as if he’d achieved everything he ever wanted in life. This was the best moment he had ever experienced, and Marco didn’t want it to come to an end. “Or perhaps you’re an angel.”
    “Make up your mind,” she chided in a soft voice. “What am I? Angel or demon?”
    He gazed into the depth of her eyes and felt as if he was drowning. “I don’t know, and I don’t care. Whatever you are, you’re perfect for me.”
    Her hand trailed over his chest, her cheeks flushing with color. “And you’re perfect for me.”
    Their fate was sealed. As far as Marco was concerned, they were together—and there wasn’t a damn thing anyone could do about it.

Chapter Nine
    As she lay next to him, Stacy felt as if everything was alright with her world. She was perfectly in tune with this man and all that he wanted. This was where she was always meant to be, and sure she took a few wrong turns, but she did end up at the right place, and that was all that mattered in the end.
    Now that she had found him, she wasn’t going to let him go.
    She turned to face him. His hand remained on the curve of her hip, and she could feel the warmth of his fingers, as they spread on her skin. It felt great, amazing. Lifting her hand, she touched his face. Her fingers trailed lightly down his cheek and settled on his jaw. She traced the lines of his soft lips. The pull of desire was immediate, scary. With him, it was never enough. Whatever she got, she always wanted more.
    She lifted her other hand and traced his eyebrows. He kept his gaze fixed on her, but she was lost in her world. She wanted to memorize his features, etch them on her mind. All her attention was focused on the way his skin felt under

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