Gone (Sons of Judah MC Book 1)

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Book: Gone (Sons of Judah MC Book 1) by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Thomas
    “How do you know that he cheated on me?”
    “Ned is…the kind of man who doesn’t remains loyal to a woman,” he said simply. Although he longed to tell her that her husband was known to get prostitutes, he didn’t want to make her feel worse about her marriage. She was done with Ned, and there was no need to make her feel like a fool for putting up with that man for so long. “Just forget about him.”
    “Oh, I did a long time ago,” she assured him. “He is ancient history as far as I am concerned. Of course, there are legal issues that still need to be sorted, but…other than that, we don’t really have anything to say to each other.”
    “That’s good.”
    Marco halted. “Would you like to come to my place for coffee?”
    The sudden change of topic appeared to confuse her. It took her a moment to understand what he meant. Her eyes widened, and then she nodded. “Sure. Yes. I would like that.”
    Marco walked again, and she remained in step with him. Although he wanted to hurry, Marco made an attempt to pace himself. He didn’t want to scare her away, but of course, he was more than eager to get his hands on her. Even though he’d made love to her twice already, his passion for her was as hot and active as it was the first time he saw her. Images flooded his mind: her naked, smooth skin as it rubbed against his, and her moist, warm pussy, and her long, shapely legs, as they wrapped around him.
    He just couldn’t wait anymore.
    Still, Marco managed to keep a grip on his emotions, as he walked with her to his apartment. When they reached his building, he took out his key and opened the door. “It’s a nice building,” she said.
    He didn’t trust himself to speak. Rather he hurried her up the two floors and then opened the door to his apartment. She stepped in. It was a good thing that he kept his place clean, because first impressions were important, but she barely had time to look around before he pinned her against the wall and tasted her mouth once more. The heat, the insane desire, which careened through his senses drove all other thoughts out of his mind.
    All he could taste was her.
    All he could feel was her heart hammering against his, as they remained fused for a long time.
    His mouth roamed over her, and the kiss was hot, dynamite. His hands settled on her waist and then skipped down. Lifting the hem of her dress, he cupped her butt and squeezed it. His cock strained against his jeans, as he pushed into her. He was sure she was able to feel the hard length of his organ. He couldn’t wait to thrust it deep inside her. Marco lived to see that look of pure delight on her face when he was attached to her in the most intimate way possible.
    But this time, he was determined to take his time.
    His tongue danced with hers while her arms circled his neck. Her lips were soft, warm. Her breath was hot against his mouth. He nibbled his way down the long, smooth column of her throat until he reached her collar bone. His lips kissed the point between her shoulder and neck, and she groaned. He bit her hard and was happy to see the blue mark that appeared when he lifted his head.
    Now she was his.
    He’d marked her.
    Marco would kill another man who as much as looked at her.
    “Bedroom?” she asked.
    Of course, his goal was to finally make it to the bed. Marco carried her inside. “We made it,” he said in a hoarse voice, as he set her down.
    She kicked off her shoes and wriggled out of her dress. As the white fabric pooled at her feet, his eyes widened at the sight of her breasts that were clad in a white, lacy bra that matched her panties. “You look…unbelievable.”
    “And let me see how you look.” She took off his jacket and helped him take off his shirt. When her hands touched his chest, the hot lance of desire became a ranging storm within his veins. “My! You’re a sight for sore

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