Love or Money

Free Love or Money by Elizabeth Roderick

Book: Love or Money by Elizabeth Roderick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Roderick
you. You have to save yourself.
    After a moment she quit crying, but she felt completely numb and worn out. She set her guitar aside, turned off the light, and curled up under the blankets, letting that horrible day slip out of her consciousness as she fell asleep.
    The next morning, Riel didn’t get up until Lizette knocked for the third time. By the time she showered and got dressed, Isaias was waiting for her in the kitchen, looking thunderous.
    “Make her a sandwich or something to go,” he ordered Lizette. “We’ve got to get moving.”
    Lizette nodded, and started piling fried eggs and bacon onto slices of toast. She slathered on mayo and Tapatío sauce before wrapping it in wax paper and handing it to Riel with a worried look. “Have a good day at work,” she said quietly.
    Riel didn’t respond. Isaias was tapping his foot, so she followed him out of the kitchen and through the front door.
    A biting wind seemed to drive the icy rain clean through Riel’s bones, but she felt like she’d rather be stuck out in the weather than climbing into the cab of the pickup with Isaias. She got in anyway, feeling so hopeless that she wondered if she had the strength to fight him off if he made more advances.
    Isaias got in and started up the engine, sighing through pursed lips as he backed out. “You gonna be a good girl today?” he asked.
    “Yes, Isaias.” She stared at her lap, barely seeing the sandwich in her hands. It was still warm, and the aroma of it made her stomach rumble, even though she didn’t feel hungry. She realized she hadn’t eaten since breakfast the day before. Mechanically, she unwrapped it and took a bite.
    “Today’s Friday, and I want you to work late,” Isaias said. “We usually get good crowds in after five. And none of this safety training bullshit, Riel, I’m serious. What fucking good are you if you don’t do lap dances? We don’t make jack shit on drinks and regular tips. All of the money is from lap dances.”
    And whatever else. She chewed her sandwich in silence. To Riel’s relief, he turned up the radio and didn’t attempt more conversation, singing off-key along with the songs, getting most of the words wrong.
    Robert was behind the bar again when they got there. “Hey, Isaias, hey, Riel,” he said cheerfully as they walked in. “Laina’s already here, and she’s waiting for you in the back, Riel.”
    A small bubble of happiness rose up through the heavy layer of Riel’s depression. At least if I’m stuck here, I’m stuck with Laina.
    “Thanks, Robert,” she said. Ignoring Isaias’ suspicious look, she left him behind and went down the hall to the dressing room.
    Laina was at the vanity table, dabbing at her burgundy lipstick. One small braid fell over her left shoulder, and the rest of her hair tumbled down her back in a thick, silvery cascade. She looked around when Riel came in, and smiled. “Hey,” she said.
    “Good morning,” Riel said. She tried to smile back, and Laina’s smile faded.
    “He’s being a dick to you, isn’t he?” she asked quietly.
    Riel shrugged dully. “He’s a dick, so he’s going to act like one.”
    Laina smiled hesitantly. “Both of us are going to get away from him someday.”
    Riel nodded. “Someday.”
    “Someday soon,” Laina said, and Riel could tell she was trying to sound more positive than she felt. “But for now, let’s just do what we need to do to get through today.” She turned her chair around and beckoned with a manicured hand. “Come on,” she said.
    Riel blinked, not quite allowing herself to hope, and Laina smiled the way Riel liked, her face lighting up. “I promise I’ll be nice. I was just going to give you a lap dance lesson, unless it makes you uncomfortable.” She snorted. “I guess we could call it safety training.”
    Riel smiled for real. “It doesn’t make me uncomfortable,” she said too quickly, and her cheeks got hot.
    “Well, come on then.”
    She went over shyly,

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