Death and Honor: Book 1 of 2

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Book: Death and Honor: Book 1 of 2 by James Wisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Wisher
stuffed with bacon to take with him. Jeremiah paired up with the newest member of his command, a red headed kid named Sam that was so shy you could hardly get two words out of him.
    Their first stop was the blacksmith shop. “Hey!” Jeremiah said over the clang of hammer on anvil. It took three tries, but they got the smith’s attention.
    “What?” he asked.
    “I wanted to ask you about the caravan that left here about two weeks ago. Did you notice anything strange about it?”
    “No. I shod two of their mules before they left. I got good silver for the job. Other than that I don’t know a thing.”
    “What about a red haired woman that visits town now and then, do you know anything about her?”
    “I seen her. We never spoke. Can I get back to work now?”
    They left the smith to his iron and moved to the next building. The next three people were no more helpful than the smith. Their fourth stop was a little cottage bordered by a pair of neat flower beds. Jeremiah knocked.
    A bent old woman with a cane answered the door. “Can I help you, young man?”
    “Yes, ma’am. We’re investigating a caravan attack. It left this village about two weeks ago. We’re also interested in the red haired woman that visits the village occasionally.”
    “Oh, the witch woman, I’ve heard rumors about her. Come in and I’ll pour us some tea.” She ushered them in and closed the door. “My friend Martha heard from her cousin that the witch turned his dog into a wolf and it ate all his chickens.”
    After four hours of village gossip, three delicious butter cookies and two cups of mint tea Jeremiah escaped the old woman’s clutches. It was approaching noon and Jeremiah couldn’t stand the thought of another house call so they headed back to the inn.
    S levas felt the familiar tingle from one his spies’ attempting to make contact. Not the incompetent commander this time. Slevas reached out and completed the connection. You have information ?
    “The knight is here, searching for the druid.”
    Slevas hissed a laugh. Let him search. Our agent has been scouring the forest for days without finding a trace of her and he has powers to call upon that the human couldn’t imagine .
    “What should I do, master?”
    What you always do, watch and listen. When he gives up and leaves let me know .
    “Yes, master.”
    Slevas severed the connection. The foolish human was wasting his time and that suited the demon perfectly. The more time he wasted the closer they came to recovering the chest.
    J eremiah lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. The sun had set a little while ago and soon he’d go to meet the woman. Sneaking around wasn’t his style but if the lady wished to have a private meeting he would accommodate her. He waited another half hour then slipped out of his room with just his sword; the heavy breast plate would make too much noise in the forest.
    The common room was empty save for a drunk passed out under one of the tables. He slipped outside and found the little town quiet. Back in the city the streets would still be full at this time of night. Jeremiah turned toward the gate, eager to get this meeting underway.
    Two bored guards, the same two from the night before unless he was mistaken, stood watch tonight. They snapped to attention as Jeremiah approached. “Open up, I’m going for a walk in the woods.”
    “No one goes out after dark, sir.” One of them said.
    Jeremiah frowned and shook his head. Don’t these people ever learn? “I wasn’t asking for permission, young man. Now open up.”
    “Yes, sir.” The guards hastened to open the gate.
    Jeremiah stepped outside the wall and the gate closed behind him. He orientated himself with a glance at the half moon and started toward the forest. An owl hooted and he turned in time to see the beautiful bird leap from the palisade and fly north. He smiled as the silent predator glided off into the darkness, he’d hate to be a mouse tonight.
    Jeremiah trekked

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