Death and Honor: Book 1 of 2

Free Death and Honor: Book 1 of 2 by James Wisher

Book: Death and Honor: Book 1 of 2 by James Wisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Wisher
    Jeremiah smiled. “We’ll look. A beautiful, red haired woman that looks like she’s been living in the forest should stand out in peoples’ minds don’t you think?”
    “Do you think we’ll find her?” another man asked.
    “I hope so,” Jeremiah said. “Because we’re not going back until we do.”
    Something rustled in the leaves overhead drawing Jeremiah’s attention. A brown and white kestrel rested on a branch and looked down at him, head cocked. Jeremiah frowned. He swore the bird was looking at him specifically, but that was ridiculous.
    “I wonder if hawk tastes good?” one of the men had spotted the kestrel.
    “I had falcon once,” one of the new recruits said. “It attacked our chickens so Father shot it. That was the toughest most gamey meat I ever tasted.”
    “That little fella up there is hardly enough to feed a cat let alone a man.” a third man said.
    As though the bird realized they were discussing him it shrieked and took off deeper into the forest. Jeremiah smiled, pleased that the little bird wouldn’t be going into the cook pot.
    “If we arrive in town before dark we can eat at the inn, my treat,” Jeremiah said.
    This brought a chorus of cheers, just as he knew it would. They rode hard for the rest of the day and reached the six foot palisade surrounding the village a little before dusk. Two men with spears stood outside the gate. One turned and shouted to someone inside.
    They walked the horses the last few yards, not wanting to scare the guards. The gate opened wide enough to allow a short, fat man with a sergeant’s badge decorating his shoulder out. He strutted toward them like an overstuffed peacock.
    “Look here, we don’t want any trouble. Turn your men around and we won’t have to turn you into pincushions.”
    Behind Jeremiah someone stifled a laugh. He frowned at the sergeant. It appeared the man didn’t recognize the uniforms of the king’s soldiers. “I am Lord Knight Jeremiah Kane. My men and I are here on the king’s business. If you wish to retain your meager rank I suggest you get this gate open, now.”
    The militia commander gave Jeremiah and his men a second look and his eyes widened. “Right oh, my lord. Snap to lads, get that gate open. Terribly sorry about the misunderstanding. The lads told me a group of armed horsemen were riding toward the village. You understand how I might misunderstand.”
    “I understand that you would do well to teach your men what the uniforms of the king’s soldiers look like.”
    The sergeant paled. “I’ll see to it. Is there anything I can help you with?”
    “I’m investigating a caravan that was destroyed after passing through here. I’m especially interested in a woman that spoke to the caravan master before it left. She has red hair, attractive, with a wild look about her.”
    “The witch woman,” one of the militia said.
    “What was that, soldier?” Jeremiah asked.
    “Just superstitious nonsense,” the sergeant said. “There’s a young woman that lives in the forest. She doesn’t come into town often, but when she does she has a nervous look, like a caged animal. I’ve spoken with her several times and you could hardly ask for a more pleasant person.”
    “That sounds like the woman I’m looking for, but to be sure I’ll need to canvas the town.”
    “You don’t think the lass had anything to do with the attack?” The note of genuine concern in the sergeant’s voice surprised Jeremiah.
    “No, I don’t think so. She was the last person to speak to the caravan master before it departed and I want to find out what she knows.”
    “Well if we can do anything to help just let me know.”
    “Thank you, sergeant. We’ll be needing bunks for the night.”
    The sergeant scratched his head. “Not sure if I’ve got bunks enough for all of you. Want to head over to the barracks and take a look?”
    “You go ahead,” Jeremiah said. “I promised my men a meal at the inn. Why don’t you

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