Vengeance 03 - Believe In Me

Free Vengeance 03 - Believe In Me by Lana Williams

Book: Vengeance 03 - Believe In Me by Lana Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lana Williams
    They soon arrived at the clearing , and William dismounted so he could aid Cristiana.
    “Tired?” he asked.
    She nodded, her gaze not meeting his.
    He lifted her down with ease, unable to believe how good his shoulder felt. While still weak from lack of use, the deep nagging pain was gone.
    “Thank you,” he told her as he set her on the ground. He continued to hold her until at last her eyes met his. “You’ve given me a gift beyond measure.”
    She raised a brow. “And?”
    He frowned, confused by her question. Obviously, his simple statement of gratitude wasn’t enough. “I am in your debt. Is there a price I should offer to pay?”
    Her pale face flushed. “Do you think I did it for money? Do you think I find injured people to heal so I can receive payment from them?”
    “Nay. Of course not. I meant no affront.”
    Her anger fled as quickly as it had come. “The only thing I would ask of you is to let me go.”
    “And I would give you all that I could except for that.” He shook his head, reluctant to disappoint her. “I would think having the bishop as your guardian would be perfect for one such as you. Who better to help you than him?”
    Now it was her turn to shake her head. “One such as me?” She closed her eyes for a moment. “I see that I will not change your mind.”
    “As I’ve told you before, I am duty bound to deliver you to him. Perhaps after you meet with him, your feelings will change.”
    With a sigh, she opened her eyes. The sadness in her expression made him sorry he couldn’t comply with her wishes. But he had a mission of his own to complete: finding his place in this world and making certain he was worthy of the second chance God had given him.
    B reaking his word to a bishop would not aid his cause.
    He changed the subject, d eciding there was nothing more to be said on that particular topic. “Would you care to rest?”
    “I ’d prefer to stretch my legs first.” She moved to step away.
    Reluctant to let her go too far alone, he offered his arm.
    She stared at it then looked up at him. “What? Don’t you trust me?”
    He cocked his head, hoping to lighten her mood. “Is it so difficult to believe that I would like to spend some time in your company?” Never mind that he had just told himself to keep his distance. Something about the lady was irresistible.
    “Aye. That is very difficult to believe.”
    William tipped his head back and laughed. Henry turned from his conversation with Sister Mawde at the sound, making William realize it had been some time since he’d laughed like that. He couldn’t believe how good he felt. That damned injury had smothered his normal enjoyment of life. Now that he had it back, he felt as if he could climb mountains.
    Cristiana smiled, though it seemed reluctantly.
    “Well, it is true.” He took her hand and tucked it into the crook of his arm as he smiled down at her. “Beautiful day, is it not?”
    Her continued smile was all the answer he needed. They walked together around the edge of the clearing, stopping here and there to admire a particularly golden leaf or an interesting rock. He found her ability to find beauty in the ordinary refreshing. In the past, he would’ve looked at a leaf and thought it nothing more than a leaf. Yet since the accident, he noticed the way the sunlight filtered through the evergreens, the way a bird cocked its head as it watched them. And somehow, sharing an appreciation of such things with her made them all the more fascinating.
    “Cristiana, you take delight in items most never see,” he told her.
    “I’ve learned that if you don’t stop to admire the little things, the big things no longer matter.”
    He pondered her words, wondering how she’d arrived at such a clever observation. “I couldn’t agree more.”
    “Oh!” She clutched his arm as a squirrel hopped onto a log nearby. They both stilled, enjoying the moment as the creature flicked its tail at them and then bounded off.

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