In an Instant

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Book: In an Instant by Adrienne Torrisi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrienne Torrisi
out my hand to accept the small, white pill.
    “Where did you get this?” I ask as I eye the pill now in the palm of my hand.
    “Jeff.” He nods his head in the direction of the DJ area.
    “Wow, they really are full-service here.”
    “Nothing but the best for VIPs.”
    “Think Kari would lose her shit if she knew?”
    “Pretty sure Kari was already rolling,” Jake responds, as if impressed with her and this whole operation. “I hear it’s like a wonderland for your senses.” He says with a smile.
    With that, we both swallow our tiny windows into wonderland.
    Before I know it, I feel different. Warmth surrounds me. We are back out with our friends, and the music is flowing through me. My chest is vibrating from the bass. I’m so light my body feels like I’m floating. Nothing could bring me down, quite literally.
    Marcus has his hands on my hips, and then his lips are on mine. He’s a good dancer, and our bodies move in perfect rhythm to the beat of the music. Well, at least I think we do. It’s hard to tell since I seem to be floating on a cloud.
    I glance over at Jake, and our eyes connect since he was already looking in my direction. When he gives me a knowing smile, I can tell he’s feeling what I am even from across the room.
    There is suddenly a commotion over near the booths, and Marcus whispers in my ear, “I’ll be right back.”
    I’m so elated. Nothing could change that, not even Marcus leaving me alone on the dance floor or the fact that Jake is dancing with Mel, his actual girlfriend.
    I sway to the music, enjoying that I’m still floating on this incredible cloud.
    Then I see Mel. Her blue eyes are locked on mine, looking a little frantic, but I’m so at peace I can’t even absorb why she’s concerned.
    “D. Dani!” I can tell she must have been saying my name for a while by the way she’s looking at me. “Em and Hanna are pretty messed up. We need to take them home. Em just threw up in the bathroom, and Hanna is passed out in one of the booths.”
    “I want to stay,” I pout like a three-year-old. I don’t want to waste this amazing Molly buzz on a stupid ride home just because Hanna and Em started partying hard too early.
    Mel just smiles. “What are you on right now?”
    “Me? Nothing.” I shake my head again like a toddler. “Why does everyone have to go?”
    “It’s one-thirty in the morning, and we’re all pretty wasted. Marcus and Dax are the soberest, so Marc is going to drive Cam’s car. Plus, some of us need to get home.” She says with a smile.
    Right, those with parents who care , I think to myself. Not even that thought can bring me down right now.
    I feel Jake wrap his arm around my shoulder from behind. “I’ll stay with her and make sure she gets home safely. I mean, it’s on my way. We’ll call a cab or something,” Jake justifies since our houses are right behind one another.
    Mel eyes us.
    Jake can hold his Molly better than me. I can barely tell he’s on something. Then again, I’m not the best judge at the moment.
    As soon as Marcus walks up, Jake drops his arm from mine. Marc steps closer and runs his hands over my hair, his blue eyes locked on mine. “Are you sure you’re okay if I go?”
    I give him my sweetest smile. “I’m good. Go so you don’t get in trouble. Are you sure you’re okay?”
    “Always.” He winks and gives me a broad smile. Then he does his usual handshake with Jake. “Take care of her, man.” He kisses my forehead.
    I watch as he walks over to the rest of our group. Nate is sitting with Hanna, stroking her hair to get it out of her face. Dax is with Em, and just by the way he’s rubbing her back, I can tell he really cares about her.
    “Are they really okay to drive?” I ask Jake. Somewhere from deep within, my one responsible cell that is not currently affected by Molly kicks in. Then I see Kari step in to help, and I feel like I can let my cloud fully take me away since my friends are taken care of.

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