In an Instant

Free In an Instant by Adrienne Torrisi

Book: In an Instant by Adrienne Torrisi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrienne Torrisi
on her, and it makes her pastel purple hair really stand out.
    “Daxi!” she shouts as she runs up to him. She has to step up on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around his shoulders, even with her giant shoes. She’s surprisingly small considering Dax is six-foot-five.
    Dax embraces her without a second thought. He couldn’t care less that he’s surrounded by his friends. It makes me wish I had a brother or sister. I love that they are so close.
    “Congrats on the win, boys,” she says once they separate as she takes the rest of us in.
    “Kari, meet the crew. Crew, meet Kari.”
    “Thanks for getting us in here,” Jake says as he steps forward, giving her a smile that reveals his amazing dimples.
    “Listen, you’re all still underage, so I’m gonna lay it out straight. There are rules, or you’re out. You drink only in the VIP area. I’m bringing you straight there. You’re lucky it’s empty tonight, so your timing is perfect. That is where you need to hang tonight, or you’re out. I’ll make sure you have a server. Got it? VIP area only. I don’t want to see you guys downstairs with everyone else. Or you’re out.”
    “You really seem like you want to kick us out, and we’re not even in yet,” Dax says with a smile.
    Kari stops and looks at him with a death glare. We all glance at each other during the uncomfortable silence.
    Shut up, Dax. You’re going to blow it.
    Then Kari’s bright red lips break into a huge smile, and it’s obvious she was just messing with him. “My baby brother is old enough to be here—well, almost. I still can’t believe it.” She shakes her head with a laugh. “Drinks are on me tonight. But drivers, remember you’re driving.” She gives us all a motherly look. “Now let’s go have fun!” she squeals. Actually squeals. I didn’t peg Kari for a squealer, but it makes me like her even more. I love how real she is.
    “Your sister is pretty awesome,” I whisper to Dax as we follow behind her.
    “Aw, thanks, D!” She turns back and smiles at me.
    “Did I mention she has incredible hearing?” Dax laughs.
    “Good to know,” I respond with a smile. “How’d you know my name?” I ask her as we continue to walk through long, narrow back hallways. I’m guessing this is the way they take the real VIPs.
    Pictures line the walls, and I can’t believe how many celebrities are in them.
    Kari catches my gaze. “Most of them come by here when they come to town on tour.” She smiles. “And to answer your actual question, I feel like I know all of you. Dax talks about you all so much. I’m glad he has you guys.” She wraps her arm around my shoulders.
    “It’s funny; I knew Dax had a sister, but I had no idea you ran a place like this or you were, like, a hundred times cooler than Dax.” I give him a sweet smile.
    “Well, I kind of made him keep it a secret. I didn’t want you guys to be too tempted.” She laughs. “Hey, I’m not that much older than you. I remember what it was like.” S he finally comes to a stop at the end of a long hallway where there are giant mahogany doors in front of us. She eyes all of us one more time. “Okay, remember the rules or …”
    “You’re out,” we all repeat with a laugh.
    As soon as she opens the giant wooden doors, what is in front of us is unbelievable. There’s a DJ just in our room, and he’s hot, like crazy hot. Oh, and he’s not wearing a shirt, so that adds to his hotness. He gives Kari a knowing smile as he puts on the next song. The entire room is covered in draped white cloths that are all illuminated from underneath. It’s just bright enough to see yet dark enough to give the room an incredibly intimate aura.
    The entire room screams class from the mahogany doors to the long, intricately carved wooden bar. There is another topless hottie serving drinks. I feel like I have died and gone to hottie heaven.
    All of the girls glance at one another as if silently asking the same question: can this be real?

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