Breaking His Cherry

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Book: Breaking His Cherry by Desiree Steel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Steel
had no doubt.  It was just that she’d wanted to be on her own for a long time now, but while she finally had what she wanted so desperately, she knew she would miss her mom for a long time and she felt empty and hollow inside.
        When Jenna reached out and took her hand, she held it gratefully and the two of them walked down the street hand in hand not looking back.

        That night Stacey slept over at Jenna’s house.  Both of them were anxious that Stacey’s mom would call Jenna’s and make trouble, but for whatever reason, she didn’t.
        It was a painful evening however trying to act cheery as if nothing had happened in front of Jenna’s family while they ate dinner and sat around watching movies that night.
        When it was finally time to go to bed, they escaped into the refuge of Jenna’s room thankful that the ordeal of the day was over at last.  They hadn’t given any thought as to what Stacey was going to do tomorrow.  They both knew that though they were serious lovers, there was simply no way Stacey could live here indefinitely.  Eventually Jenna’s mom would become suspicious and call Stacey’s mom and then all hell would break loose.  Assuming that Stacey’s mom didn’t call first.
        They were aware of these things, but by mutual agreement left them unspoken until tomorrow, choosing instead to get into bed together and caress each other’s naked body’s slowly under the sheets.  They made love slowly and tenderly until at last they held each other and as Stacey finally broke down crying again she had Jenna to hold her naked body to her own and to whisper that it would be okay.
        The next morning they woke tired but with renewed energy to face the day.  Stacey hadn’t consciously tried to decide what she’d do, but her subconscious must have been working on it while she slept, because she had the wildest dream during the night.
        As she ran her soapy fingers into the slit of Jenna’s pussy as she stood behind her in the shower, she whispered the idea it had given her into Jenna’s ear.
        Laughing, Jenna turned around and their soapy skin slid together as their breasts pressed and they kissed deeply for a second before laughing again, Jenna said, “Do you really think it will work?”
        “Sure it will work,” Stacey replied with more confidence than she felt, “what guy doesn’t want two girls at once?”
        All that morning they talked the idea over as they sat on the curb in front of Jenna’s house smoking the last of their weed twisted up into a huge joint.
        As much as Stacey liked Jeff and disliked the idea of hurting him, she decided nonetheless to go ahead with testing her idea on his father first. 
        Although it could blow up in her face, she figured the risk was less because she already knew that while he was a devoted husband, he wasn’t above fucking a teen-age girl right after his son had so long as his was thinking with his cock.  Like most men, he could be easily led.
        With the hazy feel of being totally stoned settling over her nicely, she smiled and thought that the worst that could happen even if he didn’t fall for it, was that she and Jenna could get fucked together, and there was nothing wrong with that.
        The girls put their plans into action later that afternoon.  Pooling their limited resources they made several purchases and then rented a suite at the Hyatt.  As they finished setting up everything the way they wanted it, Stacey made the final move and called Dan.
        She was lucky and he answered rather than Jeff or his wife.  She hadn’t even thought what she’d do if that had happened until the phone was ringing.
        As she heard his voice however, her heart speeded up with excitement as she tried to control her voice.
        “Hi there … do you know who this is?”

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