Miras Last
hundred elves combined. Galena had
not believed this at first, but after the last couple of months,
she realized what Mira told her was true.
    “The second proved to be correct. I have it
on good authority from Mira herself,” Galena said, training her
eyes on the floor. Once again, the conversation came back to her
    “Don’t worry, your fame will pass. When we
underground elves first showed up, we were the talk of the village
as well, but once everyone adjusted to our magical abilities, our
fame passed and we became just another elf. Your popularity may
take a little longer to die out, especially after the show you put
on, but take heart, it will pass, of this I am confident,” Morgo
said quietly to her.
    She returned her gaze back to his face and
saw the sincerity there. She nodded in thanks, but said nothing to
this. She hoped he was right, just as he had been with his theories
concerning her.
    Elenio reached over and taking her hand gave
it a little squeeze, further reassuring her.
    “Now, while we’re on the topic of your
magical abilities. Remember another conversation we had before
about elves having talents in one area or another with their
magical abilities. I think I told you my strength was in the area
of putting people to sleep just as Nigora’s magical ability is
definitely in the area of healing. It would seem you have no limit
to a specific skill either. Am I wrong?” Morgo looked at her, a
hint of a smile on his face as he waited for an answer.
    “I’d forgotten about that particular
conversation,” Galena said, thoughtfully looking up at the ceiling
of the tent. She remembered it now along with the conversation on
how using magic was a lot like exercising. When you did too much,
your body would shut down in order to preserve itself, which was
not always ideal especially when you were in a sticky situation,
such as she had been the day before. “You also mentioned you did
not have the capabilities of producing fire or causing things like
torlics to catch on fire, yet while we were fighting I distinctly
recall you setting several creatures ablaze when you struck them
with your sword,” Galena retorted, a smirk now on her face.
    “Aahh, no, what you saw was the work of
Pangoro. Tark had the idea to put fire into arrows and I just took
it a step further by having Pangoro put the fire into the
    Galena felt thoroughly confused at this point
and looked to Elenio to see if he understood it at all either.
Judging by the look on his face and the lack of thoughts on the
matter, this was news to him as well.
    Taking in the looks of both Elenio and
Galena, Morgo laid back on his hammock and placing his hands behind
his head, explained, “It’s much like the floating light concept
only instead of trapping light within glass orbs or frozen air, we
trapped fire within the blade of the sword. Whenever the blade
encounters anything, it releases some of the fire within. If you
recall, as the battle raged on, I lost the capability of igniting
creatures with my sword because I had used up all the fire within.
The same concept went into the arrows as well. It was a difficult
bit of magic to perform, and without the help of Pangoro who has
been doing this for a lot longer, we may not have been able to
accomplish it.”
    Galena’s eyebrows raised with surprise. It
was a good idea and made her wonder if she could accomplish the
same thing with all the swords the elves used. Surely, she had
enough power to do so and it would give them more of an advantage
over the enemy for their next battle.
    “Okay, back to my question. Is there anything
you have not been able to do?” Morgo asked once more, looking to
both Elenio and Galena for an answer.
    Galena looked at Elenio for which he simply
shook his head. She could feel his pride as well as read it in the
expression on his face. “So far no. Everything I’ve tried has been
relatively easy. I only blacked out after running for nearly three

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