Lydia's Secret (The Secret Series Book 1)

Free Lydia's Secret (The Secret Series Book 1) by Ditter Kellen

Book: Lydia's Secret (The Secret Series Book 1) by Ditter Kellen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ditter Kellen
jeans and a sweatshirt. She looked cool and refreshed, far from the awkward woman he’d expected.
    “Welcome to my home, Max. Can I get you something to drink?”
    “Coffee, please.”
    “He’ll take milk.” Roman winked at Max before shifting his gaze to Lydia.
    “I’d prefer coffee. It’s been a long night.” The kid ran a hand over his face and slouched in his chair.
    Roman watched the wolf for signs of strain. He was young enough to bounce back from energy drains, but he’d been out tracking for several days. He had to be exhausted. The last thing he needed was more caffeine.
    “The snow is really coming down.” Lydia moved around in the kitchen, busying herself with Max’s needs.
    The fact that she hadn’t asked him if he wanted anything wasn’t lost on Roman. No, it wasn’t irritating at all. His eyes narrowed.
    Max gestured toward the living room, and Roman shook his head. If they moved in there, Lydia would likely take offense. It would become obvious they were trying to avoid her.
    “How long until Svetlana makes her move, do you think?” Max sounded weary.
    “No idea.” They kept their voices far lower than a human’s normal range so Lydia wouldn’t overhear.
    “Here ya go.” She set a white mug in front of the new guest.
    Max stared at it without expression. “That’s not coffee.”
    “No, it’s hot chocolate. I doubt you’ll be leaving in this storm, Max, so you might as well rest.”
    Roman sat up straight. “Wait a min—”
    “No thank— ” Max tried to stand, but Lydia put her hand firmly on his shoulder.
    It was almost amusing to see the sarcastic kid at a loss for words.
    “I don’t want to hear it. You guys figure out the sleeping arrangements, but I’m not sending you back out in this weather.”
    Max glanced up with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Thank you, ma’am.”
    Dammit, Roman mentally swore, clenching his jaw. Lydia had just made it clear she would be sleeping alone. He could kick Max’s ass for being the king of bad timing.
    Lydia held a mug in front of Roman. The scent was distinctly coffee. He took it with surprise, brushing his fingers over her wrist. Immediately her pulse kicked up, and the flush staining her cheeks told him she wasn’t as unaffected as she seemed to be.
    She retrieved a plate of cookies and set it down on the table between them. “Sorry. All I have are chocolate chip. I’ll leave you guys to your work. It’s been a long day for me, so I’m turning in.” With that abrupt announcement, she turned on her heel and walked out.
    Roman stared after her with a mixture of frustration and admiration. After everything she’d gone through today, she’d handled hostess duties like a queen.
    He looked back at Max and found him staring into his mug. “What is it?”
    “I’ve never had hot chocolate.”
    Max’s words held a weight of history. A past he hadn’t talked about previously, except in strange remarks like now. Roman could count on one hand the number of kids he’d come across who had never enjoyed the simple luxuries others took for granted.
    The young shifter picked up the mug and took a slow sip. A grin broke out on his face, the iron weight of his mask slipping for just a moment. “She used milk.”
    Roman laughed briefly before sobering. “Back to Svetlana.”
    “Right. She sent Ivy with a message for you.”
    “Yeah. I spoke with Madison. And you’re on a first-name basis with a fledgling?”
    Max shifted in his seat, clearly uncomfortable with the question. “She’s newly turned and young. Younger than me, I think…”
    “Son of a bitch.” Roman saw red. Vampires weren’t always the most moral of creatures, but there were a couple of laws that even the lowest of their kind knew to abide by. Don’t create fledglings against their will, and never children.
    “I thought you would feel that way, so maybe you won’t blow a fuse about the outcome.”
    Roman waited, somehow knowing what came next.
    “I brought

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