Hungry Heart: Part Two
something like this, and even if it doesn’t make sense really, I’m hurt at not knowing he was planning to do such a thing.
    But now is not the time or place, so I force a smile to my face and step forward to hug him before he guesses something is wrong. “Congratulations you two! This is such a surprise!”
    “Well,” Ethan says into my ear, hugging me back. “When you know, you know, right?”
    “Definitely. I can’t believe it though!”
    “Me either!” Destiny leans in to give me a hug when I let go of Ethan and I pat her back awkwardly. “He completely shocked me but oh god, I can’t wait!”
    Lucky for me, my phone buzzes on the counter behind me, which I pick up once she lets me go.
    “Oh, it’s Nathan! I’ve gotta take this.”
    “You can use my office Caroline.” Benedict steps out of my way and gives me a quick peck on the lips. “I’ll wait for you here.”
    I acknowledge him with a smile even as I put a finger in one ear to block out the noise while I answer the phone with my other hand, lifting it up to my ear as I walk toward his office.
    “Happy New Year, baby,” he says the moment he realizes I’ve picked up. “You at the club?”
    “Yeah, I am. Wish you were here.”
    “Actually,” he says with a laugh. “I am. I’m standing near the front entrance, inside the door. I’m super tired and want to go home to sleep, but come and give me a hug real quick?”
    With a squeal of happiness, I hang up the phone and turn around, looking for the quickest path to the front of the club. Finding it, I take off at a run, squeezing past anyone and everyone I can until I do exactly that. One of the bouncers nods at me as I walk out of the second entryway and that’s when I see Nathan standing right inside the main door. The blatant look of relief he gets confuses me, but then he opens his arms and I walk right into them.
    Enveloping me in his arms, our lips find one another with ease, and he smiles down at me when he pulls back a second later. “Hey. So fucking happy to see you, baby.”
    His exhaustion practically pours from him, noticeable even in his voice, and his eyes have dark circles around them, but he still looks thrilled to see me. And I’m equally as excited to see him.
    “Let me go get my coat. We can go home together.”
    With a shake of his head, he gives me another quick kiss before dropping his arms from around me. “I’m just gonna go home and pass out, baby. That’s why I came here so we could see each other. I was just gonna go home but I didn’t want you to find me there in the morning and get upset I didn’t tell you I was back. So, stay here and have fun with everyone, for me, okay?”
    I wish I could say I understand, but I don’t. I’d lie next to him even if I’m wide awake if it meant I would be close to him. But — and I don’t know what it is — something tells me he wants me to do as he asks and not take it personally. He’s tired, he looks it, and he just wants to go to sleep. I try to turn my frown back into a smile, but it’s hard because I just want to go home with him.
    As always, he knows what’s going on in my head, lifting a hand to stroke my cheek as he gives me another soft smile. “I love you. We’ll spend the whole day together tomorrow, and it’ll be way better than right now when I’m so exhausted I can barely see straight, all right?”
    “Yeah.” I nod, trying to convince myself more than him that I’m okay with this. “Yeah. I love you too.”
    “Caroline, what the—” Benedict’s voice from behind me has both me and Nathan jumping. Whirling to face him, his eyes widen when he recognizes exactly who I’m talking to. “Oh, hey man. I wondered why she took off running like a crazy person. Sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt.”
    “Nah, it’s okay. I’m going home to pass out anyway. See you in the morning baby.” Nathan brushes his lips against mine, then looks over at Benedict as he says, “Take care of her

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