In Her Sights (The Thousand Words Series Book 2)

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Book: In Her Sights (The Thousand Words Series Book 2) by Tori Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tori Brooks
hadn’t burst onto the world market yet, their popularity was still limited to Europe. Kenny knew their label hoped the bands association would help Season make that final leap. It might work, he thought. Or choosing an opening act consisting exclusively of homosexual or bisexual men might reignite rumors that Dev was gay. Kenny preferred not to cause needless stress for the high-strung youngest member of his band.
    It was too late to do anything about it now, he shook his head as he finished his latest meeting on the subject with Alec. None of them were homophobic, not even Dev yet, thank god. Kenny wasn’t counting on that lasting much longer. Not with Season’s lead singer staring at the kid all the time.
    Speak of the horny little devil, Kenny thought as he caught sight of Gere Krüger down the hall. They were nearly three weeks into the tour with only two left to go. The end was in sight and Kenny could just let it go, wait it out. In two weeks, A Thousand Words could say goodbye to Season of Love and never see them again.
    Except maybe for Dev. Alec just informed Kenny that Dev took a few hours today to visit a company he invested in several months ago, and Gere joined him. Bryan invited himself along too, so Dev was chaperoned, but Alec thought Kenny should know. It meant Gere was done settling for hungry looks. This needed to be addressed.
    “Hey, Gere!” Kenny called, stopping Gere before he knocked on someone’s door. From this distance, Kenny wasn’t sure whose room it was, and he was mildly concerned it was Dev’s. “A word?”
    Gere shrugged and walked on toward Kenny.
    Kenny didn’t want to have this conversation in the hall and stopped in front of his own room, waiting for Gere to come to him.
    “What’s up?” Gere asked.
    You’re not that stupid , Kenny thought. He jerked his head as he opened the door, indicating should Gere follow.
    Once inside, Kenny slid his key back in his pocket and led Gere to the small table in the corner. They sat and Gere watched Kenny, waiting.
    Kenny sighed. “Dev’s not gay. If you haven’t figured that out by now, then you clearly need me to just tell you.”
    Gere smiled and shook his head. Kenny couldn’t believe it, he was going to argue with him.
    “Are you sure?” Gere asked in a tone that was more of a challenge than hopeful.
    “Dev’s a friend. He’s smart, he’s shy, he’s a thorn in my side a lot of the time, but he’s like a little brother. Once upon a time it would have been a shock, a blow even. Now, it would probably be easier if he was gay. He plays the part well and I understand everyone’s confusion.
    “We talked about it, openly and honestly, and he said he liked girls. That was back when they still scared him a hell of a lot more than they do now. He’s got a girlfriend now and if she hasn’t scared him to your side, it’s not in his DNA.”
    Gere laughed. “Yeah, Dev mentioned you and Jess didn’t get on with Lindsay.”
    Kenny didn’t like it that Dev was that open with a guy who was hitting on him. Then again, maybe it just meant he was being overprotective and Dev already told Gere he wasn’t interested. Maybe it was settled.
    “So you know this isn’t going to happen?” Kenny asked, just to get Gere to admit it. He wanted confirmation this was over.
    “The thing is, Kenny, you’re used to dealing with Jess. You look at me, and you see Jess,” Gere said. “I play the field, I get it. You don’t know me well enough to see the distinction.”
    “Spell it out,” Kenny prompted.
    “Jess likes sex. Hell, who doesn’t? But I’m not bouncing from one relationship to the next just looking for a good time. I like to have fun, don’t get me wrong. I’m looking though. I’m picky and I’m looking for someone special.
    “Dev and I have a lot in common: we’re both meticulous about our appearance, we’re musicians but we don’t let our music consume us, we’re athletic, and we’re both of above average

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