In Her Sights (The Thousand Words Series Book 2)

Free In Her Sights (The Thousand Words Series Book 2) by Tori Brooks

Book: In Her Sights (The Thousand Words Series Book 2) by Tori Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tori Brooks
head. “I’m not worried about that. You’re courting the press now, but it’ll be different. Right now Jess and Dev are badgered almost constantly, Bryan and I to a lesser extent. With you beside me, I suspect we’ll be a popular target. More photogenic. It means you have to be camera-ready everywhere we go.”
    “I already am.”
    He smiled. Of course she was.
    Paige turned to look at him and Kenny faced her. “You really don’t mind? What I did, I mean.”
    “Abortion?” Kenny asked. “Pro-life, pro-choice, I haven’t really had a reason to think about it either way. It hasn’t come up in my life before now. It wasn’t something my parents talked about, we didn’t observe any religion when I was still living at home. Sorry to disappoint, but that’s just not a subject on my radar. Politics usually is, if for no other reason than to argue with Dev, but that subject just never came up.”
    “Maybe because you’re not a woman.”
    He cocked his head in concession of the point. “Maybe. Although I better come up with a better answer if this does go public, and my relationship with you does as well. I may be asked about it.”
    Paige frowned. “I thought you said your fans won’t care.”
    “They won’t. But at the moment we have a high parental approval rating and I’d like to keep that. It’s a hot topic, some people will care. Don’t tell your brother. And don’t worry about it, I’ll handle it.”
    “Kenny?” she asked, stepping closer and slightly breathless.
    Paige’s soft lips brushed his cheek as she spoke softly. “Will you call on your tour?”
    “Sure.” He turned toward her lips and wrapped his arms around her as his lips pressed against hers.
    The fullness of her lips was something almost exotic to Kenny. Ripe and moist, they gave when he pressed his own lips to hers. His tongue sought hers and deepened the kiss, claiming her as his own.
    Paige cooperated in every way, but too soon she separated from Kenny with tender, darting kisses. It was just enough to tease him.
    “Will you be back in time for the pageant?” she asked.
    “I can arrange that,” Kenny agreed. He’d bribe Jess into catching pneumonia if needed. It was clearly the right answer, in evidence was Paige’s brilliant smile.
    “If I get you tickets, will you come?” she asked, breathless once again.
    His initial response was to simply agree. If he was going to be there, what if he did something more useful than simply cross his fingers or cheer from the audience?
    Kenny smiled. “At the very least,” he told her and leaned in to partake of the lushness of her mouth one more time. He held her tight, feeling the length of her body against his and not letting her pull away again. Not that she tried.

Chapter Four
    The European tour was torture for Kenny. At first he spent almost all his free time keeping Dev and Jess in line. Alec helped him peek over their individual shoulders for some clue as to what they planned for each other on stage to determine if intervention would be needed. Sometimes they even had to enroll Bryan’s help because Dev was just too good at keeping his plans under wraps. Bryan had the ultimate method of discovering Dev’s mischief: he asked. Unfortunately then he refused to tell Kenny, only whether it would be a problem.
    If it wasn’t trouble on stage, it was the off-stage mischief that filled Kenny’s time. Jess and Dev after the show was almost as bad as during the show, although Kenny was getting used to it by the second week. At that point, their opening act started to become more interesting themselves.
    Saison der Liebe wasn’t Kenny’s first choice as an opening band, but their label insisted it was a good fit. A Thousand Words had a following in Europe, as did Saison der Liebe, or Season of Love, and their styles were similar. Kenny even acknowledged the unofficial implication that both bands’ lead singers were promiscuous partiers.
    Season of Love

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