Conviction: Devine

Free Conviction: Devine by D H Sidebottom

Book: Conviction: Devine by D H Sidebottom Read Free Book Online
Authors: D H Sidebottom
Tags: Book Two, Devine
amazement as he proceeded to annihilate all four men, his fury surreal as he took each man apart. The air in the room felt still and heavy as Jake released wave after wave of a violence so powerful I couldn’t believe what I was watching.
    Adam then appeared, as did Kris, both of them casually observing their boss. I couldn’t move as I stared up at Jake when he looked over me. Crouching before me, he cupped my face tenderly. “Isla, are you okay?”
    “I . . .” I couldn’t seem to talk, my heart was beating too fast. I stared up at him, staggered by how easily he’d taken out four men on his own.
    Sophia groaned and I blinked, remembering where I was and what had just happened. “Sophia.”
    Jake nodded slowly, taking my hand in his. “An ambulance is on its way. She’ll be okay.”
    “Where did you come from?” It was a stupid question but it was all I could get out.
    “It’s my club, sweetheart.”
    He shrugged then looked up as two paramedics rushed in. They stood looking at all five bodies on the floor, perplexed at who needed attention first. Jake held up a finger to them and pointed to Sophia.
    “Hey, Jake,” one of the paramedics said when he knelt beside me and Sophia, immediately checking her over.
    “Steve,” Jake answered with a respectful nod as he picked me up and moved me aside to allow the medics to work on my friend.
    “I take it those four aren’t our concern?” Steve asked then nodded at Jake when he shook his head.
    “You can’t just leave them there,” I mumbled.
    Jake smiled softly at me, his thumb stroking across my knuckles soothingly. “Don’t worry about those pricks. Adam and Kris will look after them.”
    I nodded, dazed and unable to think straight as I stared at the large puddle of blood on the floor when they lifted Sophia and placed her gently on a stretcher, her neck already guarded by a brace. They practically ran out of the club with my friend. I stumbled off Jake’s knee, grabbing for Leah as she raced after them. “Hang on, I’m coming.”
    “Grab her bag,” Leah shouted. “I’ll wait in the ambulance for you.”
    “Which hospital?” Jake shouted.
    “St Luke’s!” Steve the paramedic shouted back.
    Jake gave him a nod then turned to me. “I’ll take you.”
    I pulled my hand away when reality hit me. “What? No! I’ll go in the ambulance with Leah.”
    Jake shook his head. “I don’t think so, sweetheart. You need support. I’ll take you!”
    “Are you for fucking real?” I squinted when my headache revealed to me that it was turning into another migraine.
    Jake’s face darkened, his anger once again coming to the front. I froze. I wasn’t scared of him. I was terrified I would hurt him if he carried on being pig-headed. He stepped into me, pressing me back against the bar. “Don’t fucking try me. Not tonight. Do as you’re told.”
    “My God!” I shook my head in shock. “You really think you’re it, don’t you? Who the fuck made you God’s second in command?”
    Pushing me harder into the bar, he clenched his jaw at my defiance. “I am worried about you. Don’t tell me not to care for you, Isla, because that’s impossible.”
    “Care? Care?” I pushed him back with both hands on his chest. “Don’t you dare try and tell me you care. You cared enough to fuck another woman! You cared enough to hurt me. You cared enough to disregard my feelings and throw my love for you in the gutter.”
    “Isla . . .” His eyes clouded as my words hit him. The pain in his gaze made my heart weep but I sniffed, shaking my head as I tried to keep my tears at bay.
    “Don’t!” I held up my hands to him when he reached for me, an escaped sob making me clench my teeth.
    “Jake Devine . . .”
    “Please. I . . .”
    We both turned when a man repeated Jake’s name. I frowned when I noticed Sergeant Brook and three other police officers watching us.
    “I’m sorry to break you lovers up.” Brook grinned, his eyes

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